Download GTU B.Tech 2020 Winter 8th Sem 2181307 Design Of Air Pollution Control Equipments Question Paper

Download GTU (Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad) B.Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology/ Bachelor of Engineering) 2020 Winter 8th Sem 2181307 Design Of Air Pollution Control Equipments Previous Question Paper

Seat No.: ________
Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code:2181307 Date:28/01/2021
Subject Name:Design of Air Pollution Control Equipments
Time:02:00 PM TO 04:00 PM Total Marks: 56
1. Attempt any FOUR questions out of EIGHT questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Enlist the various Physical and Chemical characteristic of dust, required to 3
know before designing any dust Collector equipment.

(b) List Down the various Auxiliary equipments used in air pollution control 4
system with it purpose in brief.

(c) Enlist and explain the process parameters for selecting air pollution control 7

Q.2 (a) Give the classification fan and State the application of fan in air pollution 3
control system.

(b) The tests show that filtration of a dusty air stream containing 4.5 g of particulate 4
matter per cubic meter of air. The air flow rate is 0.085 m3/min per square meter
of filtering surface. If the exhaust volume rate is 28m3/min, calculate the
number of bag required having 0.3m diameter by 6m long.

(c) List down points that should be considered while design of HOODs?

Q.3 (a) Define the following terms for Fabric filter : (i) Filtering Velocity (ii) Filter 3
drag (iii) Fabric slack

(b) A filter with 6100m2 of surface area is used to clean 55 m3/s of air which has 4
dust loading of 5g/m3. The values of Rf and Rp are 22000kg/m2.s and 41000sec-
1 respectively. If it is desirable for the overall pressure drop not exceed 400
kg/m2. Determine the maximum allowable cleaning period in hours.

(c) Design a bag filter for a flow of 5m3/sec.

Q.4 (a) Define the following terms: (i) Can velocity(ii) Saltation Velocity (iii) Pressure 3

(b) Calculate the cut size diameter of a cyclone. Necessary data are as below.
Gas viscosity :2 x 10-5 kg/ms
Density gravity of the particle =2.9 g/cm3
Inlet gas velocity to cyclone = 15m/s
Effective numbers of turns within cyclone =5
Cyclone diameter = 3m
Cyclone inlet width = 0.75m

(c) Enlist and explain the various performance parameter of cyclone separator.

Q.5 (a) Define (a) Plate surface area (b) Drift velocity (c) Back corona

(b) Explain the process of removing deposited dust from Electrostatic precipitator. 4

(c) An Electrostatic precipitator is to be constructed to remove fly-ash particles 7
from stack gases flowing at 10m3/sec. Analysis of similar system shows that
the drift velocity can be taken as w=3.0x 105dp m/sec.
Determine the plate area required to collect a 0.5 ?m particle with
(a) 90 % efficiency
(b) 99 % efficiency

Q.6 (a) Enlist the various parameters affecting the performance of venturi scrubber.

(b) Explain the various collection mechanisms in Particulate scrubber responsible 4
for removal of pollutants.

(c) Particulate matter laden gas is allowed to pass through a Venturi Scrubber. The 7
liquid flow rate to the scrubber is 1.35 L/m3 of air and the relative velocity of
gas to liquid is 91.5 m/s. The gas is air at standard temperature 298 K and
particle density 1500 kg/m3 with a flow rate of 1.6m3 /s. Determine the
efficiency of the scrubber of the composition of dust as given below. Also
determine dimension of Venturi scrubber.
Diameter Of particle 0.1
0.5 0.7
Mass fraction (mi)
0.03 0.05 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.15 0.2 0.27

Q.7 (a) Make a list of adsorbents used and explain any one in brief.

(b) Classify the Adsorption process and also give the difference between them.

(c) Differentiate between Adsorption and Absorption process with example when 7
used for the control of air pollution.

Q.8 (a) Discuss about the fouling in Gas Absorption column.

(b) Enlist the factors that should be considered when choosing a solvent for Gas 4
Absorption column.

(c) Explain Packed Column as gas adsorption equipment with a neat diagram.


This post was last modified on 04 March 2021