Download GTU B.Tech 2020 Winter 5th Sem 3150004 Contributor Personality Development Program Question Paper

Download GTU (Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad) B.Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology/ Bachelor of Engineering) 2020 Winter 5th Sem 3150004 Contributor Personality Development Program Previous Question Paper

Seat No.: _______ Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code: 3150004 Date: 20/01/2021
Subject Name: Contributor Personality Development Program
Time: 10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks: 56
1. Attempt all Section.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Student has to darken the circle in OMR answer sheet in Sr. No 1 to 29 only.

Section A

Instructions: This section has a scenario. Read carefully before answering the subsequent questions.
There are 4 questions in this section. Attempt any 02 questions out of 04. Each question has 2 or 3
options. Choose ONLY ONE option which you consider the most appropriate and mark it on the
answer sheet given to you.

Marks: 05
14-year-old Vinisha, from a town in South India, was concerned about the charcoal
burnt while ironing clothes in the ironing shops.
It is estimated that there may be around 10 million ironing carts in India and each burn
about 5 kg of charcoal every day. That is about 5 crore kg of charcoal burnt every day
causing pollution in the environment. After doing in-depth research, Vinisha who is
studying in class 9, came up with a solution to this problem ? a design for a mobile
ironing cart affixed with solar panels that connected to a 100Ah battery. All it takes is
5 hours of bright sunshine to fully charge the battery, which will power the steam iron
box for six hours!
Vinisha's novel idea has won her this year's prestigious Children's Climate Prize,
awarded by the Swedish organisation Children's Climate Foundation, which carries a
prize money of Rs.8.64 lakhs.
Source: New India Express, 18th Nov 2020
1. Vinisha's novel idea can be termed as a success event because?
a] An eco-friendly solution was found to reduce pollution.
b] Vinisha won an award.
c] Vinisha can use this experience to confidently tackle other societal problems.
2. Why does the government honor deserving students with awards?
a] Students learn to find solutions for problems, instead of just complaining about them.

b] Only when hard work is rewarded, students will be encouraged to do more.
c] Government has budgets that are allocated for awards every year.
3. Why is it necessary to find ways to reduce pollution in cities?
a] More people will be able to live in cities with less pollution.
b] More people will be able to live healthy lives.
4. Why would you consider Vinisha as a Contributor Innovator?
a] Since she finds joy in finding solutions.
b] Since she can come up with creative solutions.
Section B
Instructions: There are 10 questions in this section. Attempt any 09 questions out of 10. Each question
has 2 statements. Select ONLY ONE statement that you feel is closest to your thinking and mark it on
the answer sheet given to you.

Marks: 18
5. Why would you learn to make eco-friendly bags with newspapers by watching YouTube
tutorial videos?
a] This is an interesting way to keep myself occupied in my free time.
b] This is an opportunity to reduce my consumption of plastic.
6. a] It is most important to complete my assignments and submit on time.
b] It is most important to focus on the quality of assignments that I submit.

7. During the pandemic, how can students contribute to their fellow students?
a] To help them understand the impact of not washing their hands.
b] To create attractive posters for public reminding them to wash their hands regularly.

8. What will help you make an impact when you join a job?
a] "The educational background and degree that I have worked hard for."
b] "The capabilities I have developed over the years."
9. When choosing an elective course, a student can look for ?
a] a subject that s/he is familiar with.
b] a subject where s/he can try out something new.
10. Through group discussions, one can showcase themselves in terms of ?
a] How well they work as a team member.
b] How well they can convince others.

11. When offered a chance to learn a new language by the organization, a contributor would
consider taking it up if ?
a] it can help to connect well with clients.
b] it is likely to be appreciated by the seniors.
12. As a project manager who is in charge of developing a vaccine, Vishal needs to create a
team of people ?

a] who have the ability to study a subject deeply to find new solutions.
b] who have the right degrees/ qualifications.
13. Tanya has been working for a year in the sales team of an insurance company. She is
successful if -
a] She has been able to steadily increase her network of potential customers for the
company, while working on her targets.
b] She has been able to achieve the monthly sales targets given to her, despite many
14. Naiti's aunt requests her to teach a cousin, that too a subject she is not comfortable
teaching. What can she do?
a] She can choose to find someone who is good in the subject to teach her cousin.
b] She can choose to spend time to prepare herself to teach her cousin.

Section C

Instructions: This section has 5 questions. Attempt any 03 questions out of 05. Each question has 4
statements. Rank the statements in the order of your preference from most contributive to least
. Choose ONLY ONE option (out of the 4 given) that is closest to your ranking and mark
it on the answer sheet given to you.

Marks: 06

15. Saloni scores the maximum number of goals in the intercollege football competition
despite not practicing much before the competition. As her friend, what will you think?
(Rank in the order of most preferred to least preferred option)
1. "She has scored maximum goals! That is what matters!"
2. "Now she will be more serious about practicing."
3. "She was lucky this time. We should celebrate this victory."
4. "She might have learnt some new strategy for scoring goals."
a] 2-3-1-4
b] 2-4-1-3
c] 2-4-3-1
d] 2-3-4-1
16. The management of a school is planning to announce a new system of conducting classes
using digital technology. How could the teachers respond? (Rank in the order of most
contributive to least contributive option)

1. Nalini: "I hope the management takes a decision soon, so that we can align our
teaching to the new system."
2. Katie: "I hope it helps me manage my classes better."
3. Pooja: "I hope the new system is easier to use & less work than the current system."
4. Mithun: "I hope it will not be compulsory. Getting used to the new system will take
time and it might affect our other work."
a] 3-2-1-4
b] 2-1-4-3
c] 2-1-3-4
d] 3-1-2-4
17. A locality is facing water stagnation during rains due to garbage blocking the storm water
drainage pipes. The residents approach the government official to help solve the problem.

How could the government official respond? (Rank in the order of most contributive to
least contributive option)

1. "Please approach the local municipality who has the responsibility of garbage
clearance in your locality."
2. "My staff will come and inspect your locality."
3. "I understand your difficulty. But this problem will last only during rains and it will
get solved once the rains stop."
4. "I will get my staff to coordinate and get the storm water pipe cleaned."
a] 4-2-1-3
b] 3-1-2-4
c] 3-4-2-1
d] 2-4-1-3
18. Students are unhappy with the quality of the canteen food in your college. What can they
do about it? (Rank in the order of most contributive to least contributive option)
1. Find an alternate hotel from where they can order food.
2. Work with the college canteen staff to find out ways to improve food quality.
3. Speak with the student council and college administration on the decreasing quality
of canteen food, asking them to take some action.
4. Manage to eat the food somehow as college will be over in a few years.
a] 2-3-1-4
b] 1-2-3-4
c] 3-1-2-4
d] 3-2-1-4

19. What is the key contribution that a businessman can make during his career? (Rank in the
order of most contributive to least contributive option)
1. Hire smart people to work on social initiatives.
2. Start a business or initiative around social change.
3. Work towards bringing in transformation in the society.
4. Make significant donations to a cause.
a] 1-2-3-4
b] 1-3-2-4
c] 2-1-3-4
d] 3-2-1-4
Section D
Instructions: There are 10 questions in this section. Attempt any 09 questions out of 10. Each question
has 3 options. Select ONLY ONE option that you feel is the most appropriate and mark it on the answer
sheet given to you.

Marks: 27
20. Manvi, a Junior Researcher, only assists and observes what her senior does. Her senior
does not give her any important opportunities. How can she respond in a contributive
a] Volunteer to take up some responsibility, either inside the lab or in the team.
b] Continue to do her work to the best of her ability. Once her senior recognizes her
sincerity, she will get new opportunities.
c] Wait for her senior to give some responsibility. The senior knows the right time to
increase her responsibility.
21. Ranish is considering a career as a Marine Engineer which will require him to be on ship
for 6 months, away from family. Which question should he ask himself to decide whether
to pursue this career or not?
a] Am I keen to learn and advance the technology in the field of Marine Engineering?

b] Will I enjoy traveling and sailing for half the year?
c] Is the pay package good enough that I can compromise living without my family?
22. Varsha, the Head of the Marketing team for a charity event, is worried that none of the
usual donors have contributed any money for the event. She has a lot of ideas on what to
do next. Which one indicates a Contributor's way of thinking?
a] She could approach the same donors again to see if she could convince them and
change their mind.
b] She could look at new donors & organizations she hadn't considered before due to
different reasons.
c] She could think of different ways to raise money apart from asking donors.

23. Zerlina has been training to play the Sarod (musical instrument) for nearly 5 years.
Recognizing her talent, a local club invites her to play the instrument along with a well-
known Sarod player, Mukesh, in the upcoming music festival. How should Zerlina
approach this opportunity as a Contributor?
a] "I will also become popular after playing with him"
b] "It will be a challenging experience for me, but playing with such a talented person
will help me become better."
c] "I should put in a lot of practice to play alongside Mr Mukesh. I shouldn't make any
mistakes during the performance."
24. Who is a good boss according to you?
a] One who makes the team realize their mistakes.
b] One who gives clear instructions and therefore, does not expect any team member to
make any mistakes.
c] One who can accept a mistake and make changes.
25. Shisti is working on a new board game for the last few months. She goes to several trade
shows and gets feedback from many game developers. What could be her motive?
a] She aims to make the best-in-class board game.
b] Such shows are good ways to study the competition and see how her game is different
from others'.
c] She may want to make new connects and build a network for the future.
26. Due to the pandemic, the local kirana stores faced problems as many people could not
come out of their houses to the store. Which of these store owners are thinking like a
a] "The best thing to do is to keep the store open for a short while daily ? it is the safest
option for me and the customers."
b] "If people like me don't serve their grocery needs, then who will? Despite the risk
involved, I should cater to the families in the neighborhood."
c] "If people can't come, let me take the store to them. I shall start taking orders on the
phone and get it delivered to their houses."

27. In which kind of job do you think you can contribute the most?
a] In a job that utilizes my qualifications & capabilities.
b] In any job through which I choose to make a difference.
c] In a job that I am passionate about.
28. A forest official, on his rounds, discovers some chocolate wrappers on the ground which
he collects and drops in the dustbin. Why does he do this?
a] As a forest official, it is part of his job.
b] Only then more people will be encouraged to visit the forest reserve and help in
maintaining it.
c] His goal is to preserve the forests, and every task, no matter how big or small, is
equally important.
29. Nihila, a Civil Engineering student, wants to do well during her graduation. What can she
a] Be thorough with notes given by seniors to guarantee above average marks.
b] Participate in all kinds of activities ? academic or otherwise - to develop herself.
c] Concentrate on studying the syllabus provided by college thoroughly to do well in all

This post was last modified on 04 March 2021