Download OU B.Pharma 2-1 Year 2016 6039 S Pharmaceutical Enineerin I Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 2-1 (2nd Year 1st Sem) (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2016 6039 S Pharmaceutical Enineerin I Previous Question Paper


Code No. 6039 / S
B. Pharmacy 2/4 I Semester (Suppl.) Examination, April 2016
Subject : Pharmaceutical Enineerin I
Time : 3 Hrs Max. Ma rks: 70
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 (a) Discuss the applications, advantaes and disadvantaes of any two ferrs metals
used in pharmaceutical industry. (7)
(b) Explain briefly the theories of corrosion. (7)
(c) Explain the terms ?Dimensional formula? and ?Dimensional equations? with suitable
examples. (7)
(d) Compare plastics with metals as materials of plant construction. (7)
2 (a) Derive an equation for the overall heat transfer coefficient. Write its sinificance. (7)
(b) Compare orifice meter with a venturi meter. (7)
(c) Describe the construction, workin, advantaes and disadvantaes of a dble pipe
heat exchaner with a neat d iaram. (7)
(d) Write a note on varis types of condensers. (7)
3 (a) With a neat sketch explain the construction, workin and applications of reciprocatin
pump. (7)
(b) Write a note on : (7)
(i) Pneumatic conveyor
(ii) Jet pumps
(c) Compare reciprocatin pumps with centrifual pumps. (7)
(d) Describe the construction, workin and uses of (3? x 2)
(i) diaphram valve (ii) lobe valve
4 (a) Explain the air conditioner with a neat labeled diaram. (7)
(b) Describe a refrieration system usin a compressor. (7)
(c) Write a note on : (3? x 2)
(i) Coolin towers (ii) Brine systems
(d) Describe the humidity chart. Explain how to use humidity chart. (7)
5 (a) Explain the principle, construction and workin of chamber press. (9)
(b) Describe the theory of centrifuation. (5)
(c) Describe any two filters used for air filtration. (7)
(d) Suest and describe a suitable centrifue for the separation of slurry containin
hih percentae of solids. (7)
***** - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 04 May 2020
