Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 2-1 (2nd Year 1st Sem) (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2017 4214 Pharmaceutical Enineerin I Previous Question Paper
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B. Pharmacy 2/4 I ? Semester (Suppl.) Examination, April 2017
Subject: Pharmaceutical Enineerin ? I
Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks : 70
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 a) Discuss the factors to be considered in the selection of materials for pharmaceutical
plant construction. 7
b) Describe the different methods for prevention of corrosion. 7
c) Classify and enumerate the different types of corrosion. 7
d) Describe the important properties and uses of stainless steel in the pharmaceutical
industry. 7
2 a) Derive and explain Bernlli?s theorem. 7
b) Describe the construction and workin of any two steam traps with neat labelled
diarams. 7
c) Explain Stefen ? Boltzman law of thermal radiation. Explain the concepts of
emmisivity and absorptivity of a black body and rey body. 7
d) With a neat diaram, explain the desin and operatio n of liquid to liquid heat
interchaner. 7
3 a) Describe the desin, workin and pharmaceutical applications of screw conveyor. 7
b) Write a note on: 7
i) Ejectors
ii) Air lift pump.
c) Describe the construction and operation of a pluner pu mp with a neat diaram. 7
d) Enlist the varis equipments used for transportation of ases. Describe any one. 7
4 a) Define the followin: 8
i) Absolute humidity
ii) Dew point
iii) Wet bulb temperature
iv) Humid heat
b) Explain the principle and workin of absorption refrieration cycle. 6
c) Discuss the different methods used for determination of humidity. 7
d) List t the varis refrierants used in industrial refrierants. Compare their
advantaes, disadvantaes and applications . 7
5 a) Explain the construction, workin and applications of leaf filter. 7
b) Discuss the theoretical principles involved in the desin of centrifues. 7
c) Write a note on: 7
i) Filter aids
ii) Seitz filters
d) Compare plate and frame filter press with rotary continus filter. 7
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