Download OU B.Pharma 2-1 Year 2018 1170 Oranic Chemistry I Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 2-1 (2nd Year 1st Sem) (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2018 1170 Oranic Chemistry I Previous Question Paper


CODE NO: 1170
B. Pharmacy 2/4 I Semester (Suppl) Examination, April 2018
Subject: Pharmaceutical Oranic Chemistry I
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer All Questions. All Questions carry Equal Marks.
1. a) What is Hybridization? Discuss SP
, SP
and SP
Hybridization with suitable
examples 8
b) Write a note on Electrometaric effect and polarity of molecules 3+3
c) What is activation enery. Explain the enery diaram of reactants and products
durin reaction 1+7
d) Explain the terms with examples chirality and Hydroen bondin
2) a) Define the terms confiuration and conformation. Write the varis conformations of
cyclohexane and discuss their stability. 10
b) Add a note on peroxide effect. 4
c) Explain the markonikovs and antimarkonikovs addition with examples 7
d) Write the eneral methods to prepare the alkenes.
3) a) Discuss in detail the mechanism and stereo chemistry involved in SN
and SN
reaction 14
b) Add a note on Ziesel method or Williamson synthesis 6
c) How do y distinuish between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols with
different chemical reaents. 8
4) a) Explain in detail the acidity of carboxylic acids with examples. 7
b) Write any two method for preparation of aldehydes and Ketones. 7
c) How do y synthesize the Schiffs bases 6
d) Discuss any two Hydrophillic addition reactions of carbonyl compnds with
mechanisms 8
5) a) Write any two methods to synthesize secondary amines 6
b) ive the mechanism for any two of the followin reactions 8
1) Sandmayer reaction
2) Cplin reaction
3) attermann reaction
c) ive reactions of amines. 7
d) Write the synthesis and applications of aryl diazonium salts. 7
******* - FirstRanker's Choice

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