Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 2-1 (2nd Year 1st Sem) (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2018 13034 NON CBCS Pharmaceuticals Enineerin I Previous Question Paper
Code No. 13034 / Non CBCS
B. Pharmacy 2/4 I Semester (Non CBCS) (Backlo ) Examination, November 2018
Subject : Pharmaceuticals Enineerin I
Time : 3 Hrs Max. Marks:
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 (a) Discuss the factors to be considered in the selection of materials for
pharmaceutical plant construction. (7)
(b) What is alvanic corrosion and explain how it can be prevented. (7)
(c) Describe the terms steady and unsteady state with suitable example. (7)
(d) Discuss the important properties, sues of Aluminium and its alloys in
pharmaceutical industry. (7)
2 (a) What is a manometer? Derive an equation applicable for differential
manometer. (7)
(b) Describe the construction, advantaes, and disadvantaes of any one heat
exchaner. (7)
(c) Compare orifice meter with a venture meter. (7)
(d) Write a note on (i) Steam trap (ii) condensers (7)
3 (a) With a neat sketch, describe the desin and operation of any one type of
reciprocatin pump. (7)
(b) Name the different devices used for the transportation of solids. Describe
pneumatic conveyor. (7)
(c) Explain abt the centrifual pump theory. (7)
(d) Describe the desin and workin of different types of fans used for the
transportation of ases. (7)
4 (a) Explain the varis methods used for the determination of humidity. (7)
(b) With a neat sketch explain the refrieration system usin compressor. (7)
(c) Discuss the factors that determine the refrieration load in pharmaceutical
plant. (7)
(d) Describe the construction and workin of Air condition with neat labelled
diaram. (7)
5 (a) Write Kozeny equation for filtration explainin the symbols used. What are
the limitations of Kozeny?s equation. (7)
(b) ive the construction, workin and uses of horizontal centrifue. (7)
(c) Describe the construction, workin and uses of streamline filters. (7)
(d) Discuss the construction and workin of a p erforated basket centrifue. (7)
***** - FirstRanker's Choice
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