Download OU B.Pharma 3-1 Year 2017 4224 Pharmaceutical Technoloy Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 3-1 (3rd Year 1st Sem) (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2017 4224 Pharmaceutical Technoloy Previous Question Paper

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Code No. 4224
B. Pharmacy 3/4 I Semester (Suppl.) Examination, April 2017
Subject : Pharmaceutical Technoloy (Pharmaceutics ? II)
Time : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 (a) Explain the properties and selection of oranoleptic aents in pharmaceutical
preparations. (7)
(b) Write a note on surfactants. (7)
(c) What are the different sizes of hard elatin capsules? Describe varis fillin
methods of hard elatin capsules? (8)
(d) Describe quality control tests for soft elatin capsule. (6)
2 (a) What are suspensions? Differentiate flocculated and deflocculated suspensions?
Explain different types of additives used in the preparation of suspension. (7)
(b) Discuss in briefly the formulation of suspensions. How will y evaluate the
suspensions? (7)
(c) What are emulsions? Explain different of types of emulsions? Write a note on
formulation of emulsions. (8)
(d) What are the different types of identification tests for emulsion? (4)
(c) Add a note on multiple emulsion. (2)
3 (a) Explain in detail quality control tests for the coated tablets with the specifications
stated in pharmacopeia. (7)
(b) Describe varis excipients used in the formulation of tablets. (7)
(c) What are the reasons for coatin a tablets? Write abt types and rationale of
different coatin process es. (7)
(d) Describe in detail film coatin process. (7)
4 (a) Explain in detail the types of parenteral preparations and their advantaes. Describe
production facilities and environmental control required for the preparation of
parenterals. (14)
(b) Explain formulations and manufacture of eye drops. (6)
(c) Describe in detail evaluation of parenterals. (8)
5 (a) Write in detail different types of propellants used in aerosols and describe in detail
packain materials and met hods used in the manufacture of aerosols. (14)
(b) What are the ideal properties of packain materials? What do y mean by tamper
proof packain ? Describe in detail strip and blister packain. (14)
***** - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 04 May 2020