Download OU B.Pharma 3-1 Year 2018 13047 NON CBCS Pharmacoloy I Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 3-1 (3rd Year 1st Sem) (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2018 13047 NON CBCS Pharmacoloy I Previous Question Paper


Code No. 13047 / Non CBCS
B. Pharmacy 3/4 Year I Semester (Non CBCS) (Backlo) Examination,
November 2018
Subject : Pharmacoloy I
Time : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 a) Write in detail abt varis biotransformation reactions with examples . (8)
b) Define the followin: (6)
i) Therapeutic Index
ii) Tachyphylaxis
iii) Synerism
b) Explain in detail abt the advantaes and disadvantaes of different rtes of
dru administration.
2 a) Write the pharmacoloical effects of acetyl choline. (7)
b) Explain the varis therapeutic uses and adverse reactions of
(?) ? adreneric blockers. (7)
c) Explain the pharmacoloical actions and therapeutic uses of the followin:
(i) Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors (7 + 7)
(ii) ? ? Adreneric blockers
3 a) Classify anti epileptic aents and explain the mechanism of action, adverse
reactions and therapeutic uses of any three classes of drus . (5 + 9)
b) Write the classification of Non steroidal anti inflammatory aents and explain the
details of any three classes of drus. (5 + 9)
4 a) Define hyperlipidemia. Classify the anti hyperlipidemic aents with examples.
Write abt the mechanism of action and adverse reactions of HM
CoA reductase inhibitors. (2+6+ 6)
b) Write short notes on: (7 + 7)
(i) Bronchodilators
(ii) Antiarrythmics
5 a) Classify the aents used in treatment of peptic ulcer disease. Write abt the
pharmacoloical actions and therapeutic uses of Omeprazole. (5 + 5)
b) Write short notes on carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. (4)
c) Write abt the followin: (7 + 7)
(i) Anti ? diarrhoeal aents
(ii) Anti ? emetic aents
***** - FirstRanker's Choice

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