Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 3-1 (3rd Year 1st Sem) (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2013 7220 Pharmacognasy II Previous Question Paper
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Code No. 7220
B. Pharmacy III-Year I-Semester (Main) Examination, November 2013
Subject : Pharmacognasy - II
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer All questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.(a)(i) Write the general tests for detection of alkaloids. (6)
(ii) Give biological source, chemical structures of active constituents of cinchona
and nuxvomica. (8)
(b) Mention any one phytopharmaceutical of each belonging to indole and
tropane group of alkaloids. Give their biological source, chemical structures
and sues. (14)
2.(a)(i)Write the definition of glycoside with suitable examples and discuss the
general test for glycosides. (8)
(ii) Write biological source and chemical structure of Digoxin and sennosides. (6)
(b)(i) Write information notes on digitalis. (6)
(ii) Mention glycosides containing crude drugs. Give biological source chemical
structure of chief active constituent and uses of any one crude drug belonging
to each of them. (8)
3.(a)(i) Discuss the isolation methodology of
(A) Caffeine from tea and (B) Quinine from cinchona. (6)
(ii) Write information notes on (A) Taxol (ii) Clove (8)
(b)(i) Define plant tissue culture and discuss the various steps involved in the
initiation of callus from an organ explant. (8)
(ii) What is biotransformation? Write conditions for biotransformation reactions. (6)
4.(a)(i) Discuss the immobilized plant cell culture technology. (10)
(ii) Write about embryogenesis. (4)
(b)(i) Write a note on types of herbal formulations. (8)
(ii) Discuss on the "Traditional system of medicine and their status in India". (6)
5.(a)(i) Describe the phyto pharmaceuticals of commercial significance with
examples. (8)
(ii) Describe the method of preparation with examples of (6)
(A) Asawas
(B) Churnas
(b) Discuss about various methods of quality control and standardization of
Herbal formulations. (14)
***** - FirstRanker's Choice
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