Download JNTUH (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad) MBA (Master of Business Administration) R16 2019 May Second Semester (2nd Sem) C Programming Question Paper.
MBA II Semester End Examinations (Supplementary) - May, 2019
Regulation: .?R16
Time: 3Hours (MBA) MaxMarks: 70
1. (a) Explain about various primary data types available in C. [7M]
(b) The cost of a mobile voice plan is Rs. 250 ?xed with 100 calls per month and Rs. 1.25 is charged
in excess of 100 calls. Write an algorithm to read number of calls made per month and print bill
amount. [7M]
2. (a) Explain about usage of / and % operators in C with example. [7M]
(b) A Mfg. company purchases a heavy machinery for Rs. 12,75,000/- and expects its life time to be
10 Years and at end it can be sold for Rs, 2,75,000/-. Draw a ?ow chart to calculate and display
depreciation amount after the ?rst year. [7M]
3. (a) Di?erentiate between library functions and user de?ned functions. [7M]
(b) Write a C program that reads sales amount for the product of a company in it?s twelve months.
Then calculate and display it?s total sales amount using arrays. [7M]
4. (a) Explain about various storage classes in C with examples. [7M]
(b) Write a recursive function to ?nd factorial of a given number. [7M]
5. (a) De?ne string. Write a C program to read and display name of city where you live in (Eg. New
Delhi) [7M]
(b) Expect output of b1 and b2: [7M]
int b1,c=7,*p;
printf(?%d %d?,b1,b2);
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Hall Ticket No Question Paper Code: CMB312
MBA II Semester End Examinations (Supplementary) - May, 2019
Regulation: .?R16
Time: 3Hours (MBA) MaxMarks: 70
1. (a) Explain about various primary data types available in C. [7M]
(b) The cost of a mobile voice plan is Rs. 250 ?xed with 100 calls per month and Rs. 1.25 is charged
in excess of 100 calls. Write an algorithm to read number of calls made per month and print bill
amount. [7M]
2. (a) Explain about usage of / and % operators in C with example. [7M]
(b) A Mfg. company purchases a heavy machinery for Rs. 12,75,000/- and expects its life time to be
10 Years and at end it can be sold for Rs, 2,75,000/-. Draw a ?ow chart to calculate and display
depreciation amount after the ?rst year. [7M]
3. (a) Di?erentiate between library functions and user de?ned functions. [7M]
(b) Write a C program that reads sales amount for the product of a company in it?s twelve months.
Then calculate and display it?s total sales amount using arrays. [7M]
4. (a) Explain about various storage classes in C with examples. [7M]
(b) Write a recursive function to ?nd factorial of a given number. [7M]
5. (a) De?ne string. Write a C program to read and display name of city where you live in (Eg. New
Delhi) [7M]
(b) Expect output of b1 and b2: [7M]
int b1,c=7,*p;
printf(?%d %d?,b1,b2);
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6. (a) Explain about various string handling functions. [7M]
(b) Write a C program to reverse a string using strrev( ) function. [7M]
7. (a) Di?erentiate between structure and self referential structure. [7M]
(b) Write a program to de?ne a structure, to store details of a 10 product as product number, name
of the product and year of manufacture. [7M]
8. (a) Explain in brief about dynamic memory allocation and functions used for it. [7M]
(b) Write a program to de?ne a structure for a book which contains book title, author, price and
number of pages as members and read two book details and display the data. [7M]
9. (a) De?ne ?le. Di?erentiate between text ?le and binary ?le. [7M]
(b) Describe various ?le opening modes with their syntax. [7M]
10. (a) Discuss about the following ?le handling functions [7M]
i. fgets
ii. gputs
iii. putc
iv. getc
(b) WriteaCProgramtoreada?le?marks.dat?withrollno, nameandmarksin3subjects. Calculate
total marks, percentage of marks and store details of students above 70 percent into a ?le?
Dist.dat?. [7M]
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This post was last modified on 04 December 2019