Download JNTUH MBA 2018 Jan 2nd Semester C Programming Question Paper

Download JNTUH (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad) MBA (Master of Business Administration) R16 2018 Jan Second Semester (2nd Sem) C Programming Question Paper.

Hall Ticket No Question Paper Code: CMB312
MBA II Semester End Examinations (Supplementary) - January, 2018
Regulation: .?R16
Time: 3Hours MaxMarks: 70
1. (a) Explain the following with one example each. [7M]
i. Arithmetic operator
ii. Relational operator
iii. Logical operator
(b) Design an algorithm to input temperature in degree Fahrenheit(F) and convert it to degree
Centigrade(C) using the following formula: [7M]
C F = ( ? 32)X
2. (a) Design a ?ow chart to check whether the given number is even or odd. [7M]
(b) Exemplify the iterative statements supported by C Language. [7M]
3. (a) Di?erentiate call by value and call by reference usage to swap two numbers [7M]
(b) What is an array? How 1-d and 2-d arrays are declared and initialized. Give example for each.
4. (a) List and discuss the categories of functions considering the parameter passing and return values.
(b) Develop a C program to ?nd the sum of principal diagonal elements of a square matrix. [7M]
5. (a) Explain the following string handling functions with proper examples: [7M]
i. strcat()
ii. strstr()
iii. strcmp()
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Hall Ticket No Question Paper Code: CMB312
MBA II Semester End Examinations (Supplementary) - January, 2018
Regulation: .?R16
Time: 3Hours MaxMarks: 70
1. (a) Explain the following with one example each. [7M]
i. Arithmetic operator
ii. Relational operator
iii. Logical operator
(b) Design an algorithm to input temperature in degree Fahrenheit(F) and convert it to degree
Centigrade(C) using the following formula: [7M]
C F = ( ? 32)X
2. (a) Design a ?ow chart to check whether the given number is even or odd. [7M]
(b) Exemplify the iterative statements supported by C Language. [7M]
3. (a) Di?erentiate call by value and call by reference usage to swap two numbers [7M]
(b) What is an array? How 1-d and 2-d arrays are declared and initialized. Give example for each.
4. (a) List and discuss the categories of functions considering the parameter passing and return values.
(b) Develop a C program to ?nd the sum of principal diagonal elements of a square matrix. [7M]
5. (a) Explain the following string handling functions with proper examples: [7M]
i. strcat()
ii. strstr()
iii. strcmp()
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(b) Evaluate the following [7M]
Table 1
main( ) main( )
{ {
int *ptr; int a=10;
int arr[ ]=1,2,3,4; int *ptr=&a;
ptr=arr; void *vptr=ptr;
printf(?%d%d?,arr[2],ptr[2]); *ptr++;
} *vptr++;
printf(?the values are %d%d?,*ptr,
6. (a) Discuss the following with suitable examples [7M]
i. Array of pointers ii. Pointer to function
(b) List the functions used for various memory allocations supported by C and give one example for
each. [7M]
7. (a) Discuss how structures and unions are declared, initialized and its members accessed. [7M]
(b) Write short note on the following [7M]
i. typedef ii. enumerations iii. bit ?elds
8. (a) Develop a C program which does the following:
De?ne a structure ?student? with details like student name, marks for 3 subjects and total marks.
Read marks for 3 subjects of ?n? students. Calculate the total mark of each student and store
them. Display the details of the student who scored the highest marks. [7M]
(b) Give a typical example for nested structures, arrays of structures, and arrays within structures.
9. (a) Discuss the following ?le handling functions with suitable examples. [7M]
i. fread() ii. fwrite() iii. fseek() iv. ftell()
(b) Develop a C program to create two ?les STD-DETAILS (Student Name, Student ID, and
Semester) and STD-MARKS (Sub1, Sub2, and Sub3). Concatenate the two ?les and display
the contents from the concatenated ?le [7M]
10. (a) Discuss the primary advantages of using a data ?le. Describe various ?le operations and demon-
strate the various ?le accessing modes. [7M]
(b) A ?le named DATA contains a series of integer numbers. Code a ?C? program to read these
numbers and then write all ?odd? numbers to a ?le to be called ODD and all ?even? numbers to
a ?le to be called EVEN. [7M]
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This post was last modified on 04 December 2019