Download Pharm D 1st Year 2012 April 383831 Remedial Biology Question Paper

Download Pharm-D (Doctor of Pharmacy) 1st Year (First Year) 2012 April 383831 Remedial Biology Previous Question Paper

[LA 831] APRIL 2012 Sub. Code: 3831
Q.P. Code: 383831
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer ALL questions in the same order.
I. Elaborate on : Pages Time Marks
(Max.) (Max.) (Max.)
1. Write an account on plant tissue with neat labeled diagram
and their functions. (7 + 8 + 5) 17 40 min. 20
2. Write a detail note on digestive system of frog with neat
labeled diagram. (10 + 10) 17 40 min. 20
II. Write notes on :
1. Write a brief note on plant cell inclusions with neat labeled
diagrams. 4 10 min. 6
2. What is meant by inflorescence?
Write a note on different inflorescence of a plant with diagram. 4 10 min. 6
3. Write a note on fungi & bacteria with suitable examples. 4 10 min. 6
4. Write a short note on parts of a plant leaf and leaf modifications. 4 10 min. 6
5. Write about the parts of flowers belonging to solanaceae
family with neat labeled diagram. 4 10 min. 6
6. Draw a neat labeled diagram of external features of frog.
Differentiate male & female frog. 4 10 min. 6
7. What do you mean by animal kingdom?
Write a note on Amoeba with neat labeled diagram. 4 10 min. 6
8. Write in detail about frog brain with neat labeled diagram. 4 10 min. 6
9. Write a note on vertebrates with examples. 4 10 min. 6
10. Explain the parts and functions of animal skin with a neat
labeled diagram. 4 10 min. 6
******* - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 05 April 2020