Download Pharm D 2nd Year 2014 April 383810 Pharmacology I Question Paper

Download Pharm-D (Doctor of Pharmacy) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2014 April 383810 Pharmacology I Previous Question Paper

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[LF 810] OCTOBER 2014 Sub. Code: 3810

(2009-2010 Regulation)

Q.P. Code : 383810
Time : Three hours Maximum : 70 marks

I. Elaborate on : (4 x 10 = 40)

1. a) Classify anti-cholinergic agents.
b) Write the pharmacological actions of atropine.
c) Write the manifestations and treatment in belladonna poisoning.

2. Write on the various modes of transport of drugs across biological membranes
with special emphasis on active transport in detail.

3. a) Classify anti-arrhythmic agents.
b) Describe ? secondary depolarizations and reentry arrhythmias.

4. a) Classify NSAIDs.
b) Write the pharmacological actions and the therapeutic uses of aspirin.

II. Write notes on : (6 x 5 = 30)

1. Define a) Clearence b) Plasma half-life c) First order kinetics.
2. Classify receptors and add a note on G Protein coupled receptors.
3. Brief on the mechanism of action of hormonal contraceptives.
4. Write a note on drug interactions.
5. Classify bronchodilators and add a note on allergens.
6. Write the therapeutic applications of lithium carbonate.

******* - FirstRanker's Choice

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