Download OU MBA Interview Preparation Study Material

Download OU (Osmania University) MBA (Master of Business Administration) Interview Preparation Study Material (Important Notes)

1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix
? Performance Matrix
? Absence Management
? HRA ? Human Resource Accounting
? Methods of Performance Ap raisal
? H R D ? Human Resource Development
? E ? Recruitment
? H R ? ROI [Returnon nvestment ]
? J I T ? Job Instruction Technique
? On ? The Job & Off the Job Training
? Job Rotation.
? Diff B/W Coaching & Mentoring. - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix
? Performance Matrix
? Absence Management
? HRA ? Human Resource Accounting
? Methods of Performance Ap raisal
? H R D ? Human Resource Development
? E ? Recruitment
? H R ? ROI [Returnon nvestment ]
? J I T ? Job Instruction Technique
? On ? The Job & Off the Job Training
? Job Rotation.
? Diff B/W Coaching & Mentoring.
Imp ortant Concep ts to Attend an Interview
HR Concep ts
? Difference between HRM & Personal Mngt .
? Difference between Selection & Recruitment
? Difference between Organisationallearning &Learning Organisation .
? Difference B/W Organisational Climate &Culture .
? Difference B/W Job ob enrichment & & enlargement .
? Difference B/W ayoff &retrenchment &termination
? Job analysis . ., GreenRecruitment .
? Diff B/W Performance Appraisal &performance Mngt .
? Maslow?s Need Hierarchy .
? Herzberg?s Two factor theory.
? Transaction Analysis .
? Job Hopping
? WhistleBlowing .
? Eustress .
? Glass Cel ing .
? Communicationbarriers .
? Grapevine
? Talent Crunch - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix
? Performance Matrix
? Absence Management
? HRA ? Human Resource Accounting
? Methods of Performance Ap raisal
? H R D ? Human Resource Development
? E ? Recruitment
? H R ? ROI [Returnon nvestment ]
? J I T ? Job Instruction Technique
? On ? The Job & Off the Job Training
? Job Rotation.
? Diff B/W Coaching & Mentoring.
Imp ortant Concep ts to Attend an Interview
HR Concep ts
? Difference between HRM & Personal Mngt .
? Difference between Selection & Recruitment
? Difference between Organisationallearning &Learning Organisation .
? Difference B/W Organisational Climate &Culture .
? Difference B/W Job ob enrichment & & enlargement .
? Difference B/W ayoff &retrenchment &termination
? Job analysis . ., GreenRecruitment .
? Diff B/W Performance Appraisal &performance Mngt .
? Maslow?s Need Hierarchy .
? Herzberg?s Two factor theory.
? Transaction Analysis .
? Job Hopping
? WhistleBlowing .
? Eustress .
? Glass Cel ing .
? Communicationbarriers .
? Grapevine
? Talent Crunch
? Retentin Tools .
Imp ortant concep ts to Attend an Inerview
? ABC Analysis.
? Account Receivables.
? Accounting Rate of Return ARR
? Annuity
? Arbitrage .
? Bill of Exchange
? Book Value
? Cap ital Budgeting .
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Structure .
? Certificate of Deposit
? Commercial Paper
? Comp ound Interest .
? Cost of Capital
? Cost of Debenture.
? Cost of Equity
? Cost of Preference Share
? Credit Period
? Credit Policy
? Credit Standards.
? Credit Terms
? Current Asset
? Current Liability - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix
? Performance Matrix
? Absence Management
? HRA ? Human Resource Accounting
? Methods of Performance Ap raisal
? H R D ? Human Resource Development
? E ? Recruitment
? H R ? ROI [Returnon nvestment ]
? J I T ? Job Instruction Technique
? On ? The Job & Off the Job Training
? Job Rotation.
? Diff B/W Coaching & Mentoring.
Imp ortant Concep ts to Attend an Interview
HR Concep ts
? Difference between HRM & Personal Mngt .
? Difference between Selection & Recruitment
? Difference between Organisationallearning &Learning Organisation .
? Difference B/W Organisational Climate &Culture .
? Difference B/W Job ob enrichment & & enlargement .
? Difference B/W ayoff &retrenchment &termination
? Job analysis . ., GreenRecruitment .
? Diff B/W Performance Appraisal &performance Mngt .
? Maslow?s Need Hierarchy .
? Herzberg?s Two factor theory.
? Transaction Analysis .
? Job Hopping
? WhistleBlowing .
? Eustress .
? Glass Cel ing .
? Communicationbarriers .
? Grapevine
? Talent Crunch
? Retentin Tools .
Imp ortant concep ts to Attend an Inerview
? ABC Analysis.
? Account Receivables.
? Accounting Rate of Return ARR
? Annuity
? Arbitrage .
? Bill of Exchange
? Book Value
? Cap ital Budgeting .
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Structure .
? Certificate of Deposit
? Commercial Paper
? Comp ound Interest .
? Cost of Capital
? Cost of Debenture.
? Cost of Equity
? Cost of Preference Share
? Credit Period
? Credit Policy
? Credit Standards.
? Credit Terms
? Current Asset
? Current Liability
? Debenture .
? Discounting .
? Dividend .
? Economic Order Quantity.
? Factoring .
? Financial Leverage [ radingasequity ]
? Flotation cost
? Indenture
? Initial Public Offering [IPO ]
? Internal Rate of Return.
? Intrinsic Value
? Inventory Carrying Cost.
? Just?in?Time [JIT]System
? Letter of Credit
? Leverage
? Mutually Exclusive Projects.
? Op eratingCycle .
? Oportunity Cost .
? Op timumCap ital Structure .
? Pay Back Period.
? Pay Out Ratio.
? Preference Share.
? Present Value.
? Primary Market.
? Private Equity.
? Profitability Index.
? Prop rietaryRatio .
? Public Deposits.
? RADR . - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix
? Performance Matrix
? Absence Management
? HRA ? Human Resource Accounting
? Methods of Performance Ap raisal
? H R D ? Human Resource Development
? E ? Recruitment
? H R ? ROI [Returnon nvestment ]
? J I T ? Job Instruction Technique
? On ? The Job & Off the Job Training
? Job Rotation.
? Diff B/W Coaching & Mentoring.
Imp ortant Concep ts to Attend an Interview
HR Concep ts
? Difference between HRM & Personal Mngt .
? Difference between Selection & Recruitment
? Difference between Organisationallearning &Learning Organisation .
? Difference B/W Organisational Climate &Culture .
? Difference B/W Job ob enrichment & & enlargement .
? Difference B/W ayoff &retrenchment &termination
? Job analysis . ., GreenRecruitment .
? Diff B/W Performance Appraisal &performance Mngt .
? Maslow?s Need Hierarchy .
? Herzberg?s Two factor theory.
? Transaction Analysis .
? Job Hopping
? WhistleBlowing .
? Eustress .
? Glass Cel ing .
? Communicationbarriers .
? Grapevine
? Talent Crunch
? Retentin Tools .
Imp ortant concep ts to Attend an Inerview
? ABC Analysis.
? Account Receivables.
? Accounting Rate of Return ARR
? Annuity
? Arbitrage .
? Bill of Exchange
? Book Value
? Cap ital Budgeting .
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Structure .
? Certificate of Deposit
? Commercial Paper
? Comp ound Interest .
? Cost of Capital
? Cost of Debenture.
? Cost of Equity
? Cost of Preference Share
? Credit Period
? Credit Policy
? Credit Standards.
? Credit Terms
? Current Asset
? Current Liability
? Debenture .
? Discounting .
? Dividend .
? Economic Order Quantity.
? Factoring .
? Financial Leverage [ radingasequity ]
? Flotation cost
? Indenture
? Initial Public Offering [IPO ]
? Internal Rate of Return.
? Intrinsic Value
? Inventory Carrying Cost.
? Just?in?Time [JIT]System
? Letter of Credit
? Leverage
? Mutually Exclusive Projects.
? Op eratingCycle .
? Oportunity Cost .
? Op timumCap ital Structure .
? Pay Back Period.
? Pay Out Ratio.
? Preference Share.
? Present Value.
? Primary Market.
? Private Equity.
? Profitability Index.
? Prop rietaryRatio .
? Public Deposits.
? RADR .
? Salvage Value .
? Secondary Market.
? Stock Dividend.
? Systematic Risk.
? Treasury Bill.
? Unsystematic Risk.
? Weighted Average Cost of Cap ital , WACC .
? Working Cap ital. - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix
? Performance Matrix
? Absence Management
? HRA ? Human Resource Accounting
? Methods of Performance Ap raisal
? H R D ? Human Resource Development
? E ? Recruitment
? H R ? ROI [Returnon nvestment ]
? J I T ? Job Instruction Technique
? On ? The Job & Off the Job Training
? Job Rotation.
? Diff B/W Coaching & Mentoring.
Imp ortant Concep ts to Attend an Interview
HR Concep ts
? Difference between HRM & Personal Mngt .
? Difference between Selection & Recruitment
? Difference between Organisationallearning &Learning Organisation .
? Difference B/W Organisational Climate &Culture .
? Difference B/W Job ob enrichment & & enlargement .
? Difference B/W ayoff &retrenchment &termination
? Job analysis . ., GreenRecruitment .
? Diff B/W Performance Appraisal &performance Mngt .
? Maslow?s Need Hierarchy .
? Herzberg?s Two factor theory.
? Transaction Analysis .
? Job Hopping
? WhistleBlowing .
? Eustress .
? Glass Cel ing .
? Communicationbarriers .
? Grapevine
? Talent Crunch
? Retentin Tools .
Imp ortant concep ts to Attend an Inerview
? ABC Analysis.
? Account Receivables.
? Accounting Rate of Return ARR
? Annuity
? Arbitrage .
? Bill of Exchange
? Book Value
? Cap ital Budgeting .
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Structure .
? Certificate of Deposit
? Commercial Paper
? Comp ound Interest .
? Cost of Capital
? Cost of Debenture.
? Cost of Equity
? Cost of Preference Share
? Credit Period
? Credit Policy
? Credit Standards.
? Credit Terms
? Current Asset
? Current Liability
? Debenture .
? Discounting .
? Dividend .
? Economic Order Quantity.
? Factoring .
? Financial Leverage [ radingasequity ]
? Flotation cost
? Indenture
? Initial Public Offering [IPO ]
? Internal Rate of Return.
? Intrinsic Value
? Inventory Carrying Cost.
? Just?in?Time [JIT]System
? Letter of Credit
? Leverage
? Mutually Exclusive Projects.
? Op eratingCycle .
? Oportunity Cost .
? Op timumCap ital Structure .
? Pay Back Period.
? Pay Out Ratio.
? Preference Share.
? Present Value.
? Primary Market.
? Private Equity.
? Profitability Index.
? Prop rietaryRatio .
? Public Deposits.
? RADR .
? Salvage Value .
? Secondary Market.
? Stock Dividend.
? Systematic Risk.
? Treasury Bill.
? Unsystematic Risk.
? Weighted Average Cost of Cap ital , WACC .
? Working Cap ital.
? What is Investment Management?
? Risk Premium.
? Risk Aversion.
? Fundamental Analysis.
? Technical Analysis.
? Efficient Market Hypothesis.
? Bond / Debenture
? Bond Indenture.
? Yield to Maturity.
? Yield to call
? Convertible Bonds.
? Deepdiscount Bonds .
? Bond Immunization.
? Common Stock.
? Sensex .
? Portfolio
? Risk and Return
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Asset PricingModel .
? Net Asset Value.
? Mutual Fund.
? Typ es of Mutual Fund .
? Systematic Risk.
? Unsystematic Risk
? Value at Risk.
? CashFlow at Risk. - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix
? Performance Matrix
? Absence Management
? HRA ? Human Resource Accounting
? Methods of Performance Ap raisal
? H R D ? Human Resource Development
? E ? Recruitment
? H R ? ROI [Returnon nvestment ]
? J I T ? Job Instruction Technique
? On ? The Job & Off the Job Training
? Job Rotation.
? Diff B/W Coaching & Mentoring.
Imp ortant Concep ts to Attend an Interview
HR Concep ts
? Difference between HRM & Personal Mngt .
? Difference between Selection & Recruitment
? Difference between Organisationallearning &Learning Organisation .
? Difference B/W Organisational Climate &Culture .
? Difference B/W Job ob enrichment & & enlargement .
? Difference B/W ayoff &retrenchment &termination
? Job analysis . ., GreenRecruitment .
? Diff B/W Performance Appraisal &performance Mngt .
? Maslow?s Need Hierarchy .
? Herzberg?s Two factor theory.
? Transaction Analysis .
? Job Hopping
? WhistleBlowing .
? Eustress .
? Glass Cel ing .
? Communicationbarriers .
? Grapevine
? Talent Crunch
? Retentin Tools .
Imp ortant concep ts to Attend an Inerview
? ABC Analysis.
? Account Receivables.
? Accounting Rate of Return ARR
? Annuity
? Arbitrage .
? Bill of Exchange
? Book Value
? Cap ital Budgeting .
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Structure .
? Certificate of Deposit
? Commercial Paper
? Comp ound Interest .
? Cost of Capital
? Cost of Debenture.
? Cost of Equity
? Cost of Preference Share
? Credit Period
? Credit Policy
? Credit Standards.
? Credit Terms
? Current Asset
? Current Liability
? Debenture .
? Discounting .
? Dividend .
? Economic Order Quantity.
? Factoring .
? Financial Leverage [ radingasequity ]
? Flotation cost
? Indenture
? Initial Public Offering [IPO ]
? Internal Rate of Return.
? Intrinsic Value
? Inventory Carrying Cost.
? Just?in?Time [JIT]System
? Letter of Credit
? Leverage
? Mutually Exclusive Projects.
? Op eratingCycle .
? Oportunity Cost .
? Op timumCap ital Structure .
? Pay Back Period.
? Pay Out Ratio.
? Preference Share.
? Present Value.
? Primary Market.
? Private Equity.
? Profitability Index.
? Prop rietaryRatio .
? Public Deposits.
? RADR .
? Salvage Value .
? Secondary Market.
? Stock Dividend.
? Systematic Risk.
? Treasury Bill.
? Unsystematic Risk.
? Weighted Average Cost of Cap ital , WACC .
? Working Cap ital.
? What is Investment Management?
? Risk Premium.
? Risk Aversion.
? Fundamental Analysis.
? Technical Analysis.
? Efficient Market Hypothesis.
? Bond / Debenture
? Bond Indenture.
? Yield to Maturity.
? Yield to call
? Convertible Bonds.
? Deepdiscount Bonds .
? Bond Immunization.
? Common Stock.
? Sensex .
? Portfolio
? Risk and Return
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Asset PricingModel .
? Net Asset Value.
? Mutual Fund.
? Typ es of Mutual Fund .
? Systematic Risk.
? Unsystematic Risk
? Value at Risk.
? CashFlow at Risk.
? Risk Avoidance.
? Risk Retention.
? Risk Transfer.
? Loss Control.
? Asset ? Liability Management.
? Interest ? Rate Risk
? LiquidityRisk .
? Credit Risk .
? Exchange Rate Risk.
? Derivatives .
? Forwards .
? Futures .
? Op tions .
? Swap s .
? Clearing House.
? Margin .
? Hedgers .
? Sp eculations .
? Arbitrageurs .
? Hedge Ratio.
? Call Option.
? Put Option.
? Stock Exchange. - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix
? Performance Matrix
? Absence Management
? HRA ? Human Resource Accounting
? Methods of Performance Ap raisal
? H R D ? Human Resource Development
? E ? Recruitment
? H R ? ROI [Returnon nvestment ]
? J I T ? Job Instruction Technique
? On ? The Job & Off the Job Training
? Job Rotation.
? Diff B/W Coaching & Mentoring.
Imp ortant Concep ts to Attend an Interview
HR Concep ts
? Difference between HRM & Personal Mngt .
? Difference between Selection & Recruitment
? Difference between Organisationallearning &Learning Organisation .
? Difference B/W Organisational Climate &Culture .
? Difference B/W Job ob enrichment & & enlargement .
? Difference B/W ayoff &retrenchment &termination
? Job analysis . ., GreenRecruitment .
? Diff B/W Performance Appraisal &performance Mngt .
? Maslow?s Need Hierarchy .
? Herzberg?s Two factor theory.
? Transaction Analysis .
? Job Hopping
? WhistleBlowing .
? Eustress .
? Glass Cel ing .
? Communicationbarriers .
? Grapevine
? Talent Crunch
? Retentin Tools .
Imp ortant concep ts to Attend an Inerview
? ABC Analysis.
? Account Receivables.
? Accounting Rate of Return ARR
? Annuity
? Arbitrage .
? Bill of Exchange
? Book Value
? Cap ital Budgeting .
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Structure .
? Certificate of Deposit
? Commercial Paper
? Comp ound Interest .
? Cost of Capital
? Cost of Debenture.
? Cost of Equity
? Cost of Preference Share
? Credit Period
? Credit Policy
? Credit Standards.
? Credit Terms
? Current Asset
? Current Liability
? Debenture .
? Discounting .
? Dividend .
? Economic Order Quantity.
? Factoring .
? Financial Leverage [ radingasequity ]
? Flotation cost
? Indenture
? Initial Public Offering [IPO ]
? Internal Rate of Return.
? Intrinsic Value
? Inventory Carrying Cost.
? Just?in?Time [JIT]System
? Letter of Credit
? Leverage
? Mutually Exclusive Projects.
? Op eratingCycle .
? Oportunity Cost .
? Op timumCap ital Structure .
? Pay Back Period.
? Pay Out Ratio.
? Preference Share.
? Present Value.
? Primary Market.
? Private Equity.
? Profitability Index.
? Prop rietaryRatio .
? Public Deposits.
? RADR .
? Salvage Value .
? Secondary Market.
? Stock Dividend.
? Systematic Risk.
? Treasury Bill.
? Unsystematic Risk.
? Weighted Average Cost of Cap ital , WACC .
? Working Cap ital.
? What is Investment Management?
? Risk Premium.
? Risk Aversion.
? Fundamental Analysis.
? Technical Analysis.
? Efficient Market Hypothesis.
? Bond / Debenture
? Bond Indenture.
? Yield to Maturity.
? Yield to call
? Convertible Bonds.
? Deepdiscount Bonds .
? Bond Immunization.
? Common Stock.
? Sensex .
? Portfolio
? Risk and Return
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Asset PricingModel .
? Net Asset Value.
? Mutual Fund.
? Typ es of Mutual Fund .
? Systematic Risk.
? Unsystematic Risk
? Value at Risk.
? CashFlow at Risk.
? Risk Avoidance.
? Risk Retention.
? Risk Transfer.
? Loss Control.
? Asset ? Liability Management.
? Interest ? Rate Risk
? LiquidityRisk .
? Credit Risk .
? Exchange Rate Risk.
? Derivatives .
? Forwards .
? Futures .
? Op tions .
? Swap s .
? Clearing House.
? Margin .
? Hedgers .
? Sp eculations .
? Arbitrageurs .
? Hedge Ratio.
? Call Option.
? Put Option.
? Stock Exchange.
Imp ortant Concep ts OnInerviewing ; OnMarketing
How to Attend Interview:
? Introduce himself.
? How to answer When asked about Salary.
? Why He / She Left the Previous Job.
? Personal Details.
? Talking Positively.
? Body Language.
? Dressing Style.
Marketing Sp ecialisation
Ap lying For Banking Industry .
Imp ortant Questions .
? BCG ? Matrix.
? Green Marketing.
? How to Convenience a Customer.
? Difference Between Marketing & Selling.
? Customer & Consumer
? One Ex . of How to Sell Product
Eg Life Insurance.
? Tone & Expression.
? Service Marketing.
? Segmentation . - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix
? Performance Matrix
? Absence Management
? HRA ? Human Resource Accounting
? Methods of Performance Ap raisal
? H R D ? Human Resource Development
? E ? Recruitment
? H R ? ROI [Returnon nvestment ]
? J I T ? Job Instruction Technique
? On ? The Job & Off the Job Training
? Job Rotation.
? Diff B/W Coaching & Mentoring.
Imp ortant Concep ts to Attend an Interview
HR Concep ts
? Difference between HRM & Personal Mngt .
? Difference between Selection & Recruitment
? Difference between Organisationallearning &Learning Organisation .
? Difference B/W Organisational Climate &Culture .
? Difference B/W Job ob enrichment & & enlargement .
? Difference B/W ayoff &retrenchment &termination
? Job analysis . ., GreenRecruitment .
? Diff B/W Performance Appraisal &performance Mngt .
? Maslow?s Need Hierarchy .
? Herzberg?s Two factor theory.
? Transaction Analysis .
? Job Hopping
? WhistleBlowing .
? Eustress .
? Glass Cel ing .
? Communicationbarriers .
? Grapevine
? Talent Crunch
? Retentin Tools .
Imp ortant concep ts to Attend an Inerview
? ABC Analysis.
? Account Receivables.
? Accounting Rate of Return ARR
? Annuity
? Arbitrage .
? Bill of Exchange
? Book Value
? Cap ital Budgeting .
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Structure .
? Certificate of Deposit
? Commercial Paper
? Comp ound Interest .
? Cost of Capital
? Cost of Debenture.
? Cost of Equity
? Cost of Preference Share
? Credit Period
? Credit Policy
? Credit Standards.
? Credit Terms
? Current Asset
? Current Liability
? Debenture .
? Discounting .
? Dividend .
? Economic Order Quantity.
? Factoring .
? Financial Leverage [ radingasequity ]
? Flotation cost
? Indenture
? Initial Public Offering [IPO ]
? Internal Rate of Return.
? Intrinsic Value
? Inventory Carrying Cost.
? Just?in?Time [JIT]System
? Letter of Credit
? Leverage
? Mutually Exclusive Projects.
? Op eratingCycle .
? Oportunity Cost .
? Op timumCap ital Structure .
? Pay Back Period.
? Pay Out Ratio.
? Preference Share.
? Present Value.
? Primary Market.
? Private Equity.
? Profitability Index.
? Prop rietaryRatio .
? Public Deposits.
? RADR .
? Salvage Value .
? Secondary Market.
? Stock Dividend.
? Systematic Risk.
? Treasury Bill.
? Unsystematic Risk.
? Weighted Average Cost of Cap ital , WACC .
? Working Cap ital.
? What is Investment Management?
? Risk Premium.
? Risk Aversion.
? Fundamental Analysis.
? Technical Analysis.
? Efficient Market Hypothesis.
? Bond / Debenture
? Bond Indenture.
? Yield to Maturity.
? Yield to call
? Convertible Bonds.
? Deepdiscount Bonds .
? Bond Immunization.
? Common Stock.
? Sensex .
? Portfolio
? Risk and Return
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Asset PricingModel .
? Net Asset Value.
? Mutual Fund.
? Typ es of Mutual Fund .
? Systematic Risk.
? Unsystematic Risk
? Value at Risk.
? CashFlow at Risk.
? Risk Avoidance.
? Risk Retention.
? Risk Transfer.
? Loss Control.
? Asset ? Liability Management.
? Interest ? Rate Risk
? LiquidityRisk .
? Credit Risk .
? Exchange Rate Risk.
? Derivatives .
? Forwards .
? Futures .
? Op tions .
? Swap s .
? Clearing House.
? Margin .
? Hedgers .
? Sp eculations .
? Arbitrageurs .
? Hedge Ratio.
? Call Option.
? Put Option.
? Stock Exchange.
Imp ortant Concep ts OnInerviewing ; OnMarketing
How to Attend Interview:
? Introduce himself.
? How to answer When asked about Salary.
? Why He / She Left the Previous Job.
? Personal Details.
? Talking Positively.
? Body Language.
? Dressing Style.
Marketing Sp ecialisation
Ap lying For Banking Industry .
Imp ortant Questions .
? BCG ? Matrix.
? Green Marketing.
? How to Convenience a Customer.
? Difference Between Marketing & Selling.
? Customer & Consumer
? One Ex . of How to Sell Product
Eg Life Insurance.
? Tone & Expression.
? Service Marketing.
? Segmentation .
? Target Marketing.
? Positioning .
? Consumer delight & Satisfaction.
? Service Triangle.
? Family Life Cycle.
? Why Comp anies Going for CSR .
? Marketing Mix.
? Difference between Advertising and Publicity.
? Global Marketing.
? Promotion Mix.
? Product life Cycle.
? New Product Development.
? Branding
? CRM Implementation
? Road Map.
? RelationshipMarketing .
? Customer Life time Value.
? Customer Loyalty.
? Customer Retention.
? Customer Strategy Grid.
? Customer Satisfaction.
? Performance Management.
? Customer Acquisition.
? Customer Retention.
? Customer Loyalty.
? Web Based Customer Suport
? Customer Strategy Grid.
? Salse Force Automation.
? Sp ilt ? Brain Theory . - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix
? Performance Matrix
? Absence Management
? HRA ? Human Resource Accounting
? Methods of Performance Ap raisal
? H R D ? Human Resource Development
? E ? Recruitment
? H R ? ROI [Returnon nvestment ]
? J I T ? Job Instruction Technique
? On ? The Job & Off the Job Training
? Job Rotation.
? Diff B/W Coaching & Mentoring.
Imp ortant Concep ts to Attend an Interview
HR Concep ts
? Difference between HRM & Personal Mngt .
? Difference between Selection & Recruitment
? Difference between Organisationallearning &Learning Organisation .
? Difference B/W Organisational Climate &Culture .
? Difference B/W Job ob enrichment & & enlargement .
? Difference B/W ayoff &retrenchment &termination
? Job analysis . ., GreenRecruitment .
? Diff B/W Performance Appraisal &performance Mngt .
? Maslow?s Need Hierarchy .
? Herzberg?s Two factor theory.
? Transaction Analysis .
? Job Hopping
? WhistleBlowing .
? Eustress .
? Glass Cel ing .
? Communicationbarriers .
? Grapevine
? Talent Crunch
? Retentin Tools .
Imp ortant concep ts to Attend an Inerview
? ABC Analysis.
? Account Receivables.
? Accounting Rate of Return ARR
? Annuity
? Arbitrage .
? Bill of Exchange
? Book Value
? Cap ital Budgeting .
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Structure .
? Certificate of Deposit
? Commercial Paper
? Comp ound Interest .
? Cost of Capital
? Cost of Debenture.
? Cost of Equity
? Cost of Preference Share
? Credit Period
? Credit Policy
? Credit Standards.
? Credit Terms
? Current Asset
? Current Liability
? Debenture .
? Discounting .
? Dividend .
? Economic Order Quantity.
? Factoring .
? Financial Leverage [ radingasequity ]
? Flotation cost
? Indenture
? Initial Public Offering [IPO ]
? Internal Rate of Return.
? Intrinsic Value
? Inventory Carrying Cost.
? Just?in?Time [JIT]System
? Letter of Credit
? Leverage
? Mutually Exclusive Projects.
? Op eratingCycle .
? Oportunity Cost .
? Op timumCap ital Structure .
? Pay Back Period.
? Pay Out Ratio.
? Preference Share.
? Present Value.
? Primary Market.
? Private Equity.
? Profitability Index.
? Prop rietaryRatio .
? Public Deposits.
? RADR .
? Salvage Value .
? Secondary Market.
? Stock Dividend.
? Systematic Risk.
? Treasury Bill.
? Unsystematic Risk.
? Weighted Average Cost of Cap ital , WACC .
? Working Cap ital.
? What is Investment Management?
? Risk Premium.
? Risk Aversion.
? Fundamental Analysis.
? Technical Analysis.
? Efficient Market Hypothesis.
? Bond / Debenture
? Bond Indenture.
? Yield to Maturity.
? Yield to call
? Convertible Bonds.
? Deepdiscount Bonds .
? Bond Immunization.
? Common Stock.
? Sensex .
? Portfolio
? Risk and Return
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Asset PricingModel .
? Net Asset Value.
? Mutual Fund.
? Typ es of Mutual Fund .
? Systematic Risk.
? Unsystematic Risk
? Value at Risk.
? CashFlow at Risk.
? Risk Avoidance.
? Risk Retention.
? Risk Transfer.
? Loss Control.
? Asset ? Liability Management.
? Interest ? Rate Risk
? LiquidityRisk .
? Credit Risk .
? Exchange Rate Risk.
? Derivatives .
? Forwards .
? Futures .
? Op tions .
? Swap s .
? Clearing House.
? Margin .
? Hedgers .
? Sp eculations .
? Arbitrageurs .
? Hedge Ratio.
? Call Option.
? Put Option.
? Stock Exchange.
Imp ortant Concep ts OnInerviewing ; OnMarketing
How to Attend Interview:
? Introduce himself.
? How to answer When asked about Salary.
? Why He / She Left the Previous Job.
? Personal Details.
? Talking Positively.
? Body Language.
? Dressing Style.
Marketing Sp ecialisation
Ap lying For Banking Industry .
Imp ortant Questions .
? BCG ? Matrix.
? Green Marketing.
? How to Convenience a Customer.
? Difference Between Marketing & Selling.
? Customer & Consumer
? One Ex . of How to Sell Product
Eg Life Insurance.
? Tone & Expression.
? Service Marketing.
? Segmentation .
? Target Marketing.
? Positioning .
? Consumer delight & Satisfaction.
? Service Triangle.
? Family Life Cycle.
? Why Comp anies Going for CSR .
? Marketing Mix.
? Difference between Advertising and Publicity.
? Global Marketing.
? Promotion Mix.
? Product life Cycle.
? New Product Development.
? Branding
? CRM Implementation
? Road Map.
? RelationshipMarketing .
? Customer Life time Value.
? Customer Loyalty.
? Customer Retention.
? Customer Strategy Grid.
? Customer Satisfaction.
? Performance Management.
? Customer Acquisition.
? Customer Retention.
? Customer Loyalty.
? Web Based Customer Suport
? Customer Strategy Grid.
? Salse Force Automation.
? Sp ilt ? Brain Theory .
? Repositioning.
? Brand Equity.
? Risk ? Return Analysis.
? Test Marketing.
? Integrated Marketing Communication.
? Market Logistics.
? Internet Marketing.
? Product Launching.
? Packing and Packaging.
? Macro Environment.
? Micro Environment.
? Marketing Audit.
? Sales Promotion eg
? Personal Selling eg
? Distribution Channel.
? Seven Os
? Consumer Behaviour.
. - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix
? Performance Matrix
? Absence Management
? HRA ? Human Resource Accounting
? Methods of Performance Ap raisal
? H R D ? Human Resource Development
? E ? Recruitment
? H R ? ROI [Returnon nvestment ]
? J I T ? Job Instruction Technique
? On ? The Job & Off the Job Training
? Job Rotation.
? Diff B/W Coaching & Mentoring.
Imp ortant Concep ts to Attend an Interview
HR Concep ts
? Difference between HRM & Personal Mngt .
? Difference between Selection & Recruitment
? Difference between Organisationallearning &Learning Organisation .
? Difference B/W Organisational Climate &Culture .
? Difference B/W Job ob enrichment & & enlargement .
? Difference B/W ayoff &retrenchment &termination
? Job analysis . ., GreenRecruitment .
? Diff B/W Performance Appraisal &performance Mngt .
? Maslow?s Need Hierarchy .
? Herzberg?s Two factor theory.
? Transaction Analysis .
? Job Hopping
? WhistleBlowing .
? Eustress .
? Glass Cel ing .
? Communicationbarriers .
? Grapevine
? Talent Crunch
? Retentin Tools .
Imp ortant concep ts to Attend an Inerview
? ABC Analysis.
? Account Receivables.
? Accounting Rate of Return ARR
? Annuity
? Arbitrage .
? Bill of Exchange
? Book Value
? Cap ital Budgeting .
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Structure .
? Certificate of Deposit
? Commercial Paper
? Comp ound Interest .
? Cost of Capital
? Cost of Debenture.
? Cost of Equity
? Cost of Preference Share
? Credit Period
? Credit Policy
? Credit Standards.
? Credit Terms
? Current Asset
? Current Liability
? Debenture .
? Discounting .
? Dividend .
? Economic Order Quantity.
? Factoring .
? Financial Leverage [ radingasequity ]
? Flotation cost
? Indenture
? Initial Public Offering [IPO ]
? Internal Rate of Return.
? Intrinsic Value
? Inventory Carrying Cost.
? Just?in?Time [JIT]System
? Letter of Credit
? Leverage
? Mutually Exclusive Projects.
? Op eratingCycle .
? Oportunity Cost .
? Op timumCap ital Structure .
? Pay Back Period.
? Pay Out Ratio.
? Preference Share.
? Present Value.
? Primary Market.
? Private Equity.
? Profitability Index.
? Prop rietaryRatio .
? Public Deposits.
? RADR .
? Salvage Value .
? Secondary Market.
? Stock Dividend.
? Systematic Risk.
? Treasury Bill.
? Unsystematic Risk.
? Weighted Average Cost of Cap ital , WACC .
? Working Cap ital.
? What is Investment Management?
? Risk Premium.
? Risk Aversion.
? Fundamental Analysis.
? Technical Analysis.
? Efficient Market Hypothesis.
? Bond / Debenture
? Bond Indenture.
? Yield to Maturity.
? Yield to call
? Convertible Bonds.
? Deepdiscount Bonds .
? Bond Immunization.
? Common Stock.
? Sensex .
? Portfolio
? Risk and Return
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Asset PricingModel .
? Net Asset Value.
? Mutual Fund.
? Typ es of Mutual Fund .
? Systematic Risk.
? Unsystematic Risk
? Value at Risk.
? CashFlow at Risk.
? Risk Avoidance.
? Risk Retention.
? Risk Transfer.
? Loss Control.
? Asset ? Liability Management.
? Interest ? Rate Risk
? LiquidityRisk .
? Credit Risk .
? Exchange Rate Risk.
? Derivatives .
? Forwards .
? Futures .
? Op tions .
? Swap s .
? Clearing House.
? Margin .
? Hedgers .
? Sp eculations .
? Arbitrageurs .
? Hedge Ratio.
? Call Option.
? Put Option.
? Stock Exchange.
Imp ortant Concep ts OnInerviewing ; OnMarketing
How to Attend Interview:
? Introduce himself.
? How to answer When asked about Salary.
? Why He / She Left the Previous Job.
? Personal Details.
? Talking Positively.
? Body Language.
? Dressing Style.
Marketing Sp ecialisation
Ap lying For Banking Industry .
Imp ortant Questions .
? BCG ? Matrix.
? Green Marketing.
? How to Convenience a Customer.
? Difference Between Marketing & Selling.
? Customer & Consumer
? One Ex . of How to Sell Product
Eg Life Insurance.
? Tone & Expression.
? Service Marketing.
? Segmentation .
? Target Marketing.
? Positioning .
? Consumer delight & Satisfaction.
? Service Triangle.
? Family Life Cycle.
? Why Comp anies Going for CSR .
? Marketing Mix.
? Difference between Advertising and Publicity.
? Global Marketing.
? Promotion Mix.
? Product life Cycle.
? New Product Development.
? Branding
? CRM Implementation
? Road Map.
? RelationshipMarketing .
? Customer Life time Value.
? Customer Loyalty.
? Customer Retention.
? Customer Strategy Grid.
? Customer Satisfaction.
? Performance Management.
? Customer Acquisition.
? Customer Retention.
? Customer Loyalty.
? Web Based Customer Suport
? Customer Strategy Grid.
? Salse Force Automation.
? Sp ilt ? Brain Theory .
? Repositioning.
? Brand Equity.
? Risk ? Return Analysis.
? Test Marketing.
? Integrated Marketing Communication.
? Market Logistics.
? Internet Marketing.
? Product Launching.
? Packing and Packaging.
? Macro Environment.
? Micro Environment.
? Marketing Audit.
? Sales Promotion eg
? Personal Selling eg
? Distribution Channel.
? Seven Os
? Consumer Behaviour.
FrequentlyAsked Finance Questions
? Why do capital expenditure increases assets [estimatedbenefits ]
? Walk me through a cash flow statement.
? What is working Capital.
? How is it possible for company to show positive net income but go
Bankrupt. [depn]
? I buy a piece of equipment, walk me through the impact on three
Financial statements
(a)No entry inISIS b)FSon cash balance C)Cash Out flow th
? How is income statement linked to the balance sheet
? What is goodwill
? How do you forecast R & D expenses
? Double entry system
? What is an Accounting cycle
? Proved Reserves & Probable reserves
? Operating cycle
? Who are the financiers of the company
? Difference between P & L a/c and Income & Expenditure Statement
? Difference between an account and Statement
? Difference between Journal Entry & ledger
? What are the debentures
? What is T.bill
? What is Net worth of a company
? What is Demat a/c
? What did the BSE sensex close at Yesterday - FirstRanker's Choice
1HR Concep ts :?
? Managements & its functions
? Management By Objectives [MBBO 0] ]
? Grievance Management
? Diff B/W Conflict & grievance
? Conflict resolution
? Industrial relations
? Process of Bargaining ? Collective Bargaining
? Define Worker?s Union
? Define Trade Union
? Quality of Work Life
? Work Force Diversity
? Quality Circles
? Stress Interview
? Stress Management
? What is FLSA [FairLabourStandardsActof1 93 8]193
? What is F M L A [Family& &MedicalLeaveActof1 93]I
? E E O C [Equal Emp loyment Op urtunity Commission ]
? Psychological Contract
? H R M Functions
? Emp loyee Retention
? Emp loyee Attrition ate
? Parallel Learning Organisation
? World Class Organisation
? Six Sigma
? H R Research
? On What Dimensions HR Policies are framed?
? When do an Emp loyee Become an Asset to an Organisation
? Johari?s Window
? 36 0?Ap raisal
? HRP ? Huma Resource Planning
? Methods of Job Analysis
? Diff B/W Job Descrip tion &Job Sp ecification
? What do you mean by Continous Improvement?
[Plan ? Do ? Check ? Act]
? Fringe Benefits
? Sp an of Management
? Psychometric test
? Critical Incident Method
? Personnel Management
? Organisational Excellence
? Bench Marking
? E F
M [Europ ean Foundationfor Quality Management ]
? Arousal ? Related to p erformance Management
? Comp etencyMap ing
? Human Capital
? Accession Rate
? Intrinsic & Extrinsic Compensation
? Merit Pay
? Incentive Pay
? Deffered Income
? Perks
? Industrial Dispute
? Total Reward System
? 3P Comp ensation [Payfor Position, Person, Performance ]
? HR Strategy
? Lock Out [DiffB/WLockOut& &Strike ]
? What do you mean by HR Lay Off?
? HR Out Sourcing
? GroupIncentives
? What is O * NET [USSDep t of Labour?s Occup ationalInformation Network ]
? Emp loyee Motivation
? Diff B/W Moral & Morale ?
? K P I ? Key Performance Indicators
? K P A ? Key Performance Area
? K R A ? Key Result Area
? Diff B/W 1 80 ?&36 0?Ap raisal ?
? Balanced Score Card
? Assessment Centre
? Diff B/W Trait & Behaviour
? HR Scorecard
? HR Matrix
? Performance Matrix
? Absence Management
? HRA ? Human Resource Accounting
? Methods of Performance Ap raisal
? H R D ? Human Resource Development
? E ? Recruitment
? H R ? ROI [Returnon nvestment ]
? J I T ? Job Instruction Technique
? On ? The Job & Off the Job Training
? Job Rotation.
? Diff B/W Coaching & Mentoring.
Imp ortant Concep ts to Attend an Interview
HR Concep ts
? Difference between HRM & Personal Mngt .
? Difference between Selection & Recruitment
? Difference between Organisationallearning &Learning Organisation .
? Difference B/W Organisational Climate &Culture .
? Difference B/W Job ob enrichment & & enlargement .
? Difference B/W ayoff &retrenchment &termination
? Job analysis . ., GreenRecruitment .
? Diff B/W Performance Appraisal &performance Mngt .
? Maslow?s Need Hierarchy .
? Herzberg?s Two factor theory.
? Transaction Analysis .
? Job Hopping
? WhistleBlowing .
? Eustress .
? Glass Cel ing .
? Communicationbarriers .
? Grapevine
? Talent Crunch
? Retentin Tools .
Imp ortant concep ts to Attend an Inerview
? ABC Analysis.
? Account Receivables.
? Accounting Rate of Return ARR
? Annuity
? Arbitrage .
? Bill of Exchange
? Book Value
? Cap ital Budgeting .
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Structure .
? Certificate of Deposit
? Commercial Paper
? Comp ound Interest .
? Cost of Capital
? Cost of Debenture.
? Cost of Equity
? Cost of Preference Share
? Credit Period
? Credit Policy
? Credit Standards.
? Credit Terms
? Current Asset
? Current Liability
? Debenture .
? Discounting .
? Dividend .
? Economic Order Quantity.
? Factoring .
? Financial Leverage [ radingasequity ]
? Flotation cost
? Indenture
? Initial Public Offering [IPO ]
? Internal Rate of Return.
? Intrinsic Value
? Inventory Carrying Cost.
? Just?in?Time [JIT]System
? Letter of Credit
? Leverage
? Mutually Exclusive Projects.
? Op eratingCycle .
? Oportunity Cost .
? Op timumCap ital Structure .
? Pay Back Period.
? Pay Out Ratio.
? Preference Share.
? Present Value.
? Primary Market.
? Private Equity.
? Profitability Index.
? Prop rietaryRatio .
? Public Deposits.
? RADR .
? Salvage Value .
? Secondary Market.
? Stock Dividend.
? Systematic Risk.
? Treasury Bill.
? Unsystematic Risk.
? Weighted Average Cost of Cap ital , WACC .
? Working Cap ital.
? What is Investment Management?
? Risk Premium.
? Risk Aversion.
? Fundamental Analysis.
? Technical Analysis.
? Efficient Market Hypothesis.
? Bond / Debenture
? Bond Indenture.
? Yield to Maturity.
? Yield to call
? Convertible Bonds.
? Deepdiscount Bonds .
? Bond Immunization.
? Common Stock.
? Sensex .
? Portfolio
? Risk and Return
? Cap ital Market Line .
? Cap ital Asset PricingModel .
? Net Asset Value.
? Mutual Fund.
? Typ es of Mutual Fund .
? Systematic Risk.
? Unsystematic Risk
? Value at Risk.
? CashFlow at Risk.
? Risk Avoidance.
? Risk Retention.
? Risk Transfer.
? Loss Control.
? Asset ? Liability Management.
? Interest ? Rate Risk
? LiquidityRisk .
? Credit Risk .
? Exchange Rate Risk.
? Derivatives .
? Forwards .
? Futures .
? Op tions .
? Swap s .
? Clearing House.
? Margin .
? Hedgers .
? Sp eculations .
? Arbitrageurs .
? Hedge Ratio.
? Call Option.
? Put Option.
? Stock Exchange.
Imp ortant Concep ts OnInerviewing ; OnMarketing
How to Attend Interview:
? Introduce himself.
? How to answer When asked about Salary.
? Why He / She Left the Previous Job.
? Personal Details.
? Talking Positively.
? Body Language.
? Dressing Style.
Marketing Sp ecialisation
Ap lying For Banking Industry .
Imp ortant Questions .
? BCG ? Matrix.
? Green Marketing.
? How to Convenience a Customer.
? Difference Between Marketing & Selling.
? Customer & Consumer
? One Ex . of How to Sell Product
Eg Life Insurance.
? Tone & Expression.
? Service Marketing.
? Segmentation .
? Target Marketing.
? Positioning .
? Consumer delight & Satisfaction.
? Service Triangle.
? Family Life Cycle.
? Why Comp anies Going for CSR .
? Marketing Mix.
? Difference between Advertising and Publicity.
? Global Marketing.
? Promotion Mix.
? Product life Cycle.
? New Product Development.
? Branding
? CRM Implementation
? Road Map.
? RelationshipMarketing .
? Customer Life time Value.
? Customer Loyalty.
? Customer Retention.
? Customer Strategy Grid.
? Customer Satisfaction.
? Performance Management.
? Customer Acquisition.
? Customer Retention.
? Customer Loyalty.
? Web Based Customer Suport
? Customer Strategy Grid.
? Salse Force Automation.
? Sp ilt ? Brain Theory .
? Repositioning.
? Brand Equity.
? Risk ? Return Analysis.
? Test Marketing.
? Integrated Marketing Communication.
? Market Logistics.
? Internet Marketing.
? Product Launching.
? Packing and Packaging.
? Macro Environment.
? Micro Environment.
? Marketing Audit.
? Sales Promotion eg
? Personal Selling eg
? Distribution Channel.
? Seven Os
? Consumer Behaviour.
FrequentlyAsked Finance Questions
? Why do capital expenditure increases assets [estimatedbenefits ]
? Walk me through a cash flow statement.
? What is working Capital.
? How is it possible for company to show positive net income but go
Bankrupt. [depn]
? I buy a piece of equipment, walk me through the impact on three
Financial statements
(a)No entry inISIS b)FSon cash balance C)Cash Out flow th
? How is income statement linked to the balance sheet
? What is goodwill
? How do you forecast R & D expenses
? Double entry system
? What is an Accounting cycle
? Proved Reserves & Probable reserves
? Operating cycle
? Who are the financiers of the company
? Difference between P & L a/c and Income & Expenditure Statement
? Difference between an account and Statement
? Difference between Journal Entry & ledger
? What are the debentures
? What is T.bill
? What is Net worth of a company
? What is Demat a/c
? What did the BSE sensex close at Yesterday
? Is it true Indian currency has to be converted in to foreign exchange
before going to other countries
? Being a finance manager of a company, how do you forecast the
the finance requirements
? What is retained earnings
? Define fair value
? Entry of Depreciation
? What is your investing strategy
? Diff between the asset management and investment management
? Accounting Vs Management Accounting
? Costing Vs Cost accounting
? What is fictitious Asset
? Authorized Capital Vs Paid up capital
? Difference between bank rate & repo rate
? What is GDP
? Why a company may choose debt over equity - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 06 January 2020