Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 1st Year 1st Semester (1-1) 3007 Statistics Descriptive Stats and Probability Previous Question Paper
3.5:. lr-Eamailar {EH5} Examination, Hnnmbar .Ir Dammbur M15
Buhjlct : Stallltlu
Paper ?I : Descriptive: Stalla?c: and Frabahilitr
Max. Harlin: Ell
PART - M5 14 -2IJ Marks]
[$hu?. Answer Type]
Hutu : Answer any FI'uI'E of the fallnrwing L'Iullll??l.
.1?? De?ne Aritfmalir; mean. Ganmetrit: man and Hannnnic: mean.
um Banhal and Mmmtral muments. Stats their immal
3 Daflna [L]: lndapmdmm n:nf events Hi] aimriaa and
indapIIHdBnca Hf am. \
4 Pm ihat?ur ?n}! thraa mulls A. E- and G
P{AuE-J'C} =thrci+P{E::3-P[An?f E!
5 Da?nu dilh?lhu?un furln??n and state its pmpe?ie?.
? Thumanw-iahla :u: hm an amnan?aldi??bun??h ?? =E"-?J 51 '? '1' .
mmmmfunc?anuf?umnmnu blue =31?+5
,5? MM Hahama?ml axpa?la?llnn ufa tha. Find me axpaatalim of the
number an a dl? whan mun.
?r mmmm?wanm?u?gi?n
'{ii} mums:
In an mm-Iant gcneraling function?
PAR'IL-B :4 :15 I61] Marks]
{Essay Answer Type}
Nata: Answer ALL quastians.
9 [3] De?ne Primary data. What are the dimerant malhnds 0f mllectirrg and editlng at
primary data? Describe any One method in detail with example.
x on
{b} :i]. Explain the mnnept 0f skewness. Uhlain Ihe- limi15 [Dr Karl Pearson's
me?iclant cf 5k?wness.
[ii]. T115 ?rst iuur murrlanls or a distrihu?nr: ahnul the value 4 are 1, 4, '10 and 45
1 mmemly. 1" Campule coef?cianl nf ?amess. Ku?usis and mmmnt upm
t. .?'ue' results.
10 {a} [i] De?ne Mlnmatlc appmauh 1.1: probability.
?ij Prove that far any ?mru Barents A and B
PH n E} = PH) ? PH HE:
rjiijTha chances of aulvlng a problem althma persurla H. ?1' and Z are
%' grand irasp-a-?ive?. What is lhe pmhability thal the Framem mu be
[h] Slate: and grave: multiplicatlnn Imam ul Pmbahiliiy' far 'rI? mm;
This post was last modified on 06 February 2020