Download OU B.Sc 2018 Dec 3rd Year 3190 Statistics Sampling Theory Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 3rd Year 1st Semester (Fifth and Fourth Semester) (3-1) 3190 Statistics Sampling Theory Previous Question Paper

Code No. 3190
CE 018
FACULI I ?Sigflsglemberloecember 2
exam 0 .
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B.Sc- VW Sublact . 5?3 s and Demand
' I I'Ieory ?me Sel ies, Index Num I
1 De?ne :
2 Explain . v ?
3 Explain
4 Eprain ?
5 Distingu paw dox? {
6 wnausmbnspara '
? Index Numbers. . data.
:3 wgfmgg?m?ve and mixed mode??me senes
PART -B( Marks)
(Essay I'Type)
Note: cnswer ALL questions.
( )Distingulsh between safpyn?ygnd non sampling errors. Give the sources of Non
a .
sampling errors. {,1
(b) De?ne SRSWO nd SRSWR. Show that in SRSWOR the probability of
selecting a spec e nit of the population at any given draw is equal to the
probability of jelecting it at the ?rst draw.
10 (a) Wh a e seasonal variations? Explain Ratio to.Trend method of ca\cu\at'mg
s . l ?ations. Also give its merits and dements.
a .
(b) ? B?Cost function. With a cost function 0 = a + zhchnn prove that the variance
of the estimated mean 9,, is minimum when nh is proportional to NhSh / E .
11 (a) De?c?be Leontief?s method of estimating price elasticity of demand for time
senes data and its limitations.
. OR
(b) Whatts meant by (i) Base shifting (ii) De?ating (iii)
Explain and illustrate. Splicing of Index Numbers?

This post was last modified on 06 February 2020