Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 3rd Year 1st Semester (Fifth and Fourth Semester) (3-1) 3197 Computer Science Prog in Java Previous Question Paper
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Paper ? er?nmmg in Java {D50}
T ' Max. Marks: ED
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{apff '_5wer Type]
Mute : Answering ftha following questions.
W?te about inner cla sags. 1"
Write a note on type conversion in" :_
De?ne thread. List the methnds-in-_ .
What are wrapper classes? ' '5
Why Iayuuts are needed? '7 ..
What is the purpose of ANT? Lisiih?i :- ntruls sunwrl?d b? AWT?
Haw fava SUpports multiple inherita???-
Write abuut thread synchronization.
9 [3) Explain abnul branching meEhanisr??s mam Hy gMng an Example.
{b} Compare and mnlrasl malhud overloading and method nverriding in java by
giving an example for each.
10 (3} What is an ?xm?t?l? De?ne an excap?bn called "Nu Match EK?Eptiun? that is
thrown when a siting is not equal tc- ?India?. Write a program that uses this
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_ayjrghd. Emlain the different ways we can create thread by giving an
a_I?'fnr each.
' a rain the sequence of appiet?s life We memnds in which they ara called-wi?w
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_.- .- is iayautmanagar? Explain tyPE?-ofiayuut ma?agers with an Ex?mmg _ _ _.
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This post was last modified on 06 February 2020