Download OU B.Sc 2018 Dec 3rd Year 3205 Electronics Digital Electronics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 3rd Year 1st Semester (Fifth and Fourth Semester) (3-1) 3205 Electronics Digital Electronics Previous Question Paper

Tlme :3 hours
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(Short Answer Type} '
Nate : Answer any Five-'ef_t_he.-fa?awfny..quee? 5%
.r'f" Cenuen decimal number ?29?95 to hexadecimal number.
Draw a circuit diagram of XOR gate end-?iaxplein its we in truth table.
,3? Show that [A + E] [E + B]: AB + 33 using Beeleen Auk
Explain sum of products (SUP).
Explain werking of JP: ?ip Hep. 4"
Explain Jehneen Counter.
Explain 4~bit Asynchronous eeunter. 0
Distinguish between PROM and Ep?m
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{E _ Anaerer Type)
Nete : Ansl???? M the renewing questions,
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B 3} Explain 1's complimen'?lnd E'SOQIjI?ipliment method fer sublraetien.
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b] Draw the circuit diagram of paraue lurinery.I adder consisting of full adder: and
explain its operaiinn.
10 a} Stet?ang?lp'ain the b35i? 'aw?-?ianm'ean 3195??
b] brew H13 circuit diagram of mu?ippxer and explain its operation.
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11 a) Deeenbethe werklng '33 Meeler?l?gg JK p?epm neatelgeultdagrem
b) Discuss the various shift regiat?s.
12 a) Desedbe the organization workingi?i RUM-
b] Ex Iain weming ef decade mu?l?i?vith truih tabie and timing diagrams.

This post was last modified on 06 February 2020