Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 1st Year 2nd Semester (2nd Semester) (1-2) 3040 Electronics Devices Previous Question Paper
5.5:. llu-Semeeter [CECE] Examination. May! June 2019
Subject : Electronics
Paper ? ll : Electronic Devices
Time : 3 Hour: Max. Marks: an
PART ? 1H5 I 4 = 20 Marks}
{Sheri Answer Type]
Hate : Answer any FIVE ef the following questions.
.@ Explain tunneling phenemenun.
Explain the junctlen capacitance.
Define :1 end [i of a transistor and derive the reietiun between them.
4 The ceileclor current of a transistor is Erna. If ?=14?. IB=35uA. then calculate
teakege current IE.
)5 Exptein brie?y UJT as reiaxetinn oscillation.
E An N-channel JFET has a pinch-n? voltage at 4.5V and IDES = QmA. At what vaiue ef
V35 in the pinch cuff rgian will In equal to BmA. _
T Draw the diagram of LED and mention its appli?atinne.
B_ Mention Application of SCH. . '
PART ? 3141135}. an Merke}
[ say Answer Type}
Hate: er ALL the questions.
.9.- {W is P-N Junction digdet___ . '3' Explain its characteristic cuwes and types of
-' breakdowns. '" _ '
.I I-_ OH
fb} Describe the cu?truutiian and working of a varactur diede. Draw and expiein its
?*I'?-jil?jEW he MU methane ef transistor biasirlg.
" OR '
?133 -::'. ' 3. remeters fur a low frequency CE transistor. Give an equivalent h-
' -' _ medal felt a BJT under GE con?guration.
13% 'j_? ,3: W 3G3 mu _'Ell1d explain its epera?en. Indicate the current and
" _ Mmm???m on
This post was last modified on 06 February 2020