Download OU B.Sc 2019 June-July 2nd Semester 3041 Biochemistry Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 1st Year 2nd Semester (2nd Semester) (1-2) 3041 Biochemistry Previous Question Paper

God: No. 3M1
B.Ec. {GEES} II ? Eamasl? Examinallon. Hay fJunE 1mg
Sublet? El?chamlltw
Paper? II
Chemistry uf Hum?: Acids Ind Hluchemlcal Technlquas
Tlma : 3 hours Mar. Marks : an
plan. A {5 x 4 = 2:: Marks)
{Shun Answer Type]
Answer any Five of the falfuwing qugs??ns. .
1 Give an account on spectral prnp??l?? nf nude[c ands.
2: What IE. the cumpnslliun at a nucleoside? ._
3- What Is the signi?canc? nl? melting 1emparatum of DNA?
4. Wnte a note on DNA supercnillng.
5 Whal Is the principle I31 ?unrimalry? _
5" Give an acmunl nn prlncipre DI spammphulnmelry.
? -* Wriha 2: nuts on ?aper chromatography.
3 Give an account an prinmple of gel ?llra?nn chrnmalugraphy.
Far! - E {d r 15 = ED Marks)
[Essay Answer Type}
_ 5
AhswarALL ques?uns frurn the falfnwing :
9? 3) Give an account on DNA. RNA and Inrrnailun nl? phasphndlesler linkages and
the [3:1an lhal hn?uenmjt?s slahllily.
- DR
b} Whal l5 lhE dlf'farence bEMEL-n the purines and H13 pyrimidines?
1C; a} Discuss about the types of RNA and their functions.
- DR
b} Give 'an ammunt on duuhIB-helix structure Di DNA. add a note an
massacia?an kinetics
11,, 3} Describe [he prlncipin and applicaiinns G'l' cenl?fugallun technique.
b] Camp?re and canvas! calorimeter and speclrnpl1ulurne1er_
12 3] Give an account an princlp1e and applications at Ihln layer :hrnmalography
, DR .
b} Explain the principle and appli?aliun Elf .EIFI?u'1i1;1.Ir :hrumalngraphy,

This post was last modified on 06 February 2020