Download OU B.Sc 2019 June-July 4th Semester 3126 Database Management System Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 2nd Year 2nd Semester (4th Semester) (2-2) 3126 Database Management System Previous Question Paper

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Subject : Gnmputar EEIIHGII
Papa: ? W (DSL?J: Database Management Brahms
11m: : 3 Hour: H?- Hl?ii 5?
PART ? A151: 4 = 20 Marita}
{Short Answer Type]
Nate : Answer anyr FWEiaf the follnwiny qun?anar.
De?ne DBMS. Write the advantages uleEIMS. u
Discuss Qmuping Operations with axan'plas. g
Exp1ain different data types Df SQL. i
What is funct'lnnal dEpendency? Explaig. ?\
Deacrihe weak and strung ent?res with ' xamples. ' ?\
Write about EENF mles.
Explain multi stamp urdaring pmtuml. J
Write about nested transactions with a mp
PART - a [43' ,
Hnta: Answer ALL
9 {a1 Describa the UBME amhiteni??m "tall.
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{b} Explain fundamental, 999]}? ns uf rala?nnal algebra Mm Examples for each,
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DC'FFand TCL c?mmands with examples.
{m Explain stnm-yamnedures and functiuns in FUEQL with examples.
11 {a} Explety SEE. E???f W35. H??hula? and keys with 533mm
{b} Egg. 991cm datah?? dastgn {nrma?unal modal with an manna.
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(bi Explain uarinus sew?ty Dunno! ?ma - .
1m {3) Explain DDL. D
I?d.? rr-

This post was last modified on 06 February 2020