Download OU B.Sc 2019 June-July 4th Semester 3129 Electronics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 2nd Year 2nd Semester (4th Semester) (2-2) 3129 Electronics Previous Question Paper

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Mei lV?Semaetar {GEMS} Examlnetlon. May I June 2019
Subieet : Eteetrenles
' tmpar- N '. Linear integrated Circuits and Basics of Communication [DEC]
. rm ?3 Hours Max. Marks: 30
PART ? A {5 x 4 = 211 Marks}
[Sheri Answer Type]
Nate : Answer imamr FIVE ef the following questiens.
Give tde'at characteristics and DF-Amptifer.
Explain hew voltage regulatieh can be achieved using UP-AWP?
Explain different types at meduletien methede.
Write eheut PAM 8; FEM.
Describe haw an Gp-Amp can be used as Inve?ing Ampfi?er?
Draw the circuit at Aetehte mutti vibrator using 10-555.
Dieeuee the need for modulation and de?ne Modulation index.
Discuss the operation of FM discriminator.
PART - El {4; 15-="E?' Marks)
[Essay Answer Type}
Hate: Answer A?L-hthe questiens.
Q 7.93 Emma the working of DP-Arnp as ti} Comparator, {ii} Differentiatnr and
[iii] Integrator
[b] Draw the circuit diagram of Summing amplifier Using {jp.AmP and explain its
m?ting. drive en_expreeeien for its Dutput voltage.
151.1151) Explain the working?nf Wien Bridge Deeitleter with circuit die
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HPreseien {DEGREE frequency. 0 g m and Obtaln an
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. :1 eleg computation elrcult using Qp_Am .
:f- .. '-'._:."ntial eqea?en with en examma p 1? Salve Simple Second
. :.-ampn1imda Modulation and ?htai'n an expression
fer Amplitude mndutated
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{E]._.whatr _ 'ie-de'muduletiun? Exptein th? m?? ?'Dib??-d?teeter?urhm mum.
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M 5. .W meelver. How does it differ from AM reeeivar

This post was last modified on 06 February 2020