Download OU B.Sc 2019 June-July 6th and 7th Semester 3337 Microcontroller and Applications Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 3rd Year 2nd Semester (6th Semester & 7th Semester) (3-2) 3337 Microcontroller and Applications Previous Question Paper

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3.8:. mm r (6868) Exam W ' ?7'55!? ._
Subject: Electmntee- * _
Paper- VlIl-A: 8051 Mlerocontrollennd Appllcetlm? (m
??lne : 3 Hours ' .
(Short Answer Type)
Note : Answer any FIVE of the following questions.
.?1? What are SFR registers?
A? Give the data directives used In 8051 0C.
3? Differentiate between short jump and long jump instructions. .
.4/ Explain how stack is implemented in 8051 0C? Q
,S/W?te an ALP to divide any two given numbers. ,?N
6 What will be the continuous output at port-O after the ex tion 01 the following
program '
MOV A. #55H
7 Give the structure of SCON register.
,8 Draw the matrix of a key board. "
PART ? B (45 Marks)
? Answer Type)
N or ALL the questions. ? . M _. -
9 (3) Explain the archit l 8051 Microcontroller with btock m :3. ? ?
OR , . _
(b) Explain the port amenization of 8051 pC. in detail. fj?l
10 (a) List and explain the various addressing modes used in 8051 pC, with
? 8M
itable?? am les. . . . ?
whathg?xe :ddressing modes used an the followmg Instructions 3M
1 MGV?AMttZ ii) MOV A, R5 iii) Mgv A, @R0
,5 O
(b) gdd explain the various type of instructions. used in 8051 00 with
suitabie examples. 11M
11 (a) Write an assembly language program to ?nd out the largest number
among the given I10 numbers. R 11M
(b) Give TMOD and TCON registers. Assume that XTAL = 11.0592 MHz.
What value do we need to load in the timer?s register if we want to
have a time delay of 5 ms. 4+4+3M
'12 (3) Give different types of serial communication. What are R8232 standards. 6+6M
E (b) Explain the interfacing of ADC 0804 to 8051 pC.

This post was last modified on 06 February 2020