Download OU B.Sc 2019 June-July 6th and 7th Semester 3325 Computer Science Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 3rd Year 2nd Semester (6th Semester & 7th Semester) (3-2) 3325 Computer Science Previous Question Paper

B. So. Vl-SemostoHCBCS) Examination, , ?- ,--" 1
Subject : Computer Science : (G : MM
Paper ? VII (SEC - 4)
Time : 1% Hours
Not: : Answer ALL the question.
(Shun Answer Typo) v
1 (3) Explain five methods to process matrices with examples\.
?xplain formatting strings with syntax and examplo\\
2 (8) Explain functions as First Class Objects with example.
What is a List? Explain brie?y creating Ii sinlrange () function.
PART - B (2 ?ts)
(Em! m)
Swa?ous functions to to array: In numpy with syntax and example.
Write a program to reshape y iRnto 20.
??t the methods to ma ng. Woriz a program to Search for a String.
4 (a) (i) Explain Posi uments and keyword arguments with an example.
(ii) Write a progm soive towets 00fR Hanoi using recursion
De?go?ry. Write a program to convert List into Dictionary.
A .....

This post was last modified on 06 February 2020