Download VNSGU MBBS 3rd Year Part II Year April 2019 RAN 3729 General Medicine Paper I Previous Question Papers

Download VNSGU (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University) MBBS 3rd Year Part II (Final Year Part 2) Last 10 Years (2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010) RAN 3729 General Medicine Paper I Question Papers.

RAN-3729 ] [ 1 ] [ P.T.O. ]
Third Year M.B.B.S Part-ll Examination
March / April - 2019
Time: 2hrs 30min. ] [ Total Marks: 60
k|Q?p : / Instructions
?uQ? v$ip?h?g ? r?ip?uhpmu rhNsp? D?fhlu ?f Ah?e gMhu.
Fill up strictly the details of ? signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
? Third Year M.B.B.S Part-ll
Name of the Subject :
Subject Code No.: 3 7 2 9
Seat No.:
Student?s Signature
(2) Answers should be brief and to the point
(3) Each section should be written in separate answer sheet.
(4) Draw diagram and flow charts wherever necessary .
Section I (Marks:30)
Q.l Write short note: (Any three out of four) 12
(1) Investigations and Management of Pulmonary embolism.
(2) Aetiology ,clinical features and treatment of Mitral stenosis.
(3) Write causes of Pleural effusion & management of a patient with Pleural
(4) Clinical features, diagnosis and management of Hypocalcemia.
Q.2 Answer in brief: (Any five out of six) 10
(1) Diagnosis and management of Bronchial Asthma.
(2) Ultra short acting Beta blockers.
(3) Clinical features of Lung abscess.
* R A N - 3 7 2 9 * - FirstRanker's Choice
RAN-3729 ] [ 1 ] [ P.T.O. ]
Third Year M.B.B.S Part-ll Examination
March / April - 2019
Time: 2hrs 30min. ] [ Total Marks: 60
k|Q?p : / Instructions
?uQ? v$ip?h?g ? r?ip?uhpmu rhNsp? D?fhlu ?f Ah?e gMhu.
Fill up strictly the details of ? signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
? Third Year M.B.B.S Part-ll
Name of the Subject :
Subject Code No.: 3 7 2 9
Seat No.:
Student?s Signature
(2) Answers should be brief and to the point
(3) Each section should be written in separate answer sheet.
(4) Draw diagram and flow charts wherever necessary .
Section I (Marks:30)
Q.l Write short note: (Any three out of four) 12
(1) Investigations and Management of Pulmonary embolism.
(2) Aetiology ,clinical features and treatment of Mitral stenosis.
(3) Write causes of Pleural effusion & management of a patient with Pleural
(4) Clinical features, diagnosis and management of Hypocalcemia.
Q.2 Answer in brief: (Any five out of six) 10
(1) Diagnosis and management of Bronchial Asthma.
(2) Ultra short acting Beta blockers.
(3) Clinical features of Lung abscess.
* R A N - 3 7 2 9 *
RAN-3729 ] [ 2 ] [ 130 ]
(4) Cardiac murmurs.
(5) Causes of Iron deficiency anemia.
(6) Pulsus paradoxus.
Q.3 Answer in one-two sentences /words/fill in the blanks : 8
(1) What is Black water fever?
(2) Biomarkers of Acute Ml.
(3) Name organism causes Botulism.
(4) W rite T wo chemotherapeutic agents used in treatment of CML.
(5) Tension Pneumothorax.
(6) Enlist 4 causes of Palpitations.
(7) T wo causes of Metabolic acidosis.
(8) Name two Autosomal Dominant Diseases.
Section - 2 (Marks:30)
Q.4 Write short notes :(any three out of four) 12
(1) Etio-pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of Hemolytic Anemia.
(2) W rite drug treatment of Malaria including Pregnant patients according to
WHO guidelines.
(3) Draw endocrine axis of Thyroid hormone. W rite clinical features and
diagnosis of hyperthyroidism.
(4) Clinical features and management of swine flue.
Q.5 Answer in brief: (any five out of six) 10
(1) Signs and symptoms of Adisson's disease.
(2) What is ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) and importance of it.
(3) Management of DKA(Diabetic ketoacidosis).
(4) Fluid therapy in Dengue fever .
(5) Clinical features of Thalasamia Major .
(6) Various crisis in Scikle cell disease.
Q.6 Answer in one-two sentences /words/fill in the blanks : 8
(1) Five cardinal features of Metabolic syndrome.
(2) Name inhaled corticosteroids.
(3) PEP (Post exposure prophylaxis) in HIV/AIDS.
(4) W rite T wo conditions in which Howell-jolly bodies are seen.
(5) Diabetogenic viruses.
(6) Drugs used for treatment of filariasis.
(7) Pellagra
(8) Names of plasma expander. - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 06 December 2019