Download OU (Osmania University)B.Sc (Bachelor of Science Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2018 May-June 1st Year 2nd Semester 7032E Chemistry Previous Question Paper
5.51:. Iln?emeeter {CECE} Examination. May! June 2015
Subject: Chemistry
Paper - tl -
:33 Time : 3 Hours ' Mex. Marks: Bil
33 PART-At? x4: 2:: Marks}
_ [Short Answer Type}
m . Note: Answer any FIVE of the following questions.
:3 A" What are fnterI'Ielu-gen mmpuunde give the structure of AB; and
- ff Explein the hybridisation and structure )1ng and X903.
3 I ,5? Explain the mementsm fer nitration of Benzene. ' %
m Jlr- What is inversion in eenfiguretjen? Explain with e euitabi e m .
'E B" What is Vent Huff's factor? What are its values for id nd -?Ideel solute?
8" De?ne the Law of constancy of interfacial angles.
I What is super conductivity? Exprein zen:- resistivity.
? Exptetn the role of methyl orange 35 en Indi
PART?E [4x 1%; arks}
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.9 What are pelyhalidee? Dis?he geometry of
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{th Give a mmpari?ve gm 1; and HF Transition series wlth their ad analogues.
1t} {ad/Give the major ???qgf??; the following reactions and justify with mechanism.
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I241} {i} E?aIn the relationship batman nama?c ;--prasaure and malacularwetgh?t .61!
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This post was last modified on 07 February 2020