Download OU (Osmania University)B.Sc (Bachelor of Science Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2018 May-June 1st Year 2nd Semester 7036 Statistics Previous Question Paper
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fa: ' WW I!? property of geometric diam .
? ' MM 0'0 normal distribution is 60 and 6% of the val are greats! than 70-
7 . hostndm deviation. P[O
De?ne Bela distribution of ?rst kind and ?nmrgs n.
De?ne Cauchy distribution. Give its appllc?aQS? .
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PART ? a (4 x 15?: co Marks)
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f f J Dune Binomial dis en've its mean and mode.
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(5)3113: B: & B; fct?XJgol son distribution. Also comment on its skewness and
?9 (3) Define Mergeomelric distribution. Derive its mean and vanance
(b) Poisson distribution as a limiting case of negative Binomsal dlstnbubon.
" (3) ' standard devnalion. mean deviation about mean and cumin": demauon
for normal distribution
(0) Show that normal dlSlflbUllon IS a lnmntmg case of Bunomual GlSU?TbUhOn
12 (0) De?ne Gamma dawubuuon Obtain?uts moment generaung function and hence
?nd its mean and vanance
(b) Dorm moment generalmg (unchon o! ExponenluaI dustnbubon Show that \he
sun 0! exponential random variables :3 a gamma random vanable
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This post was last modified on 07 February 2020