Download OU (Osmania University)B.Sc (Bachelor of Science Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2018 May-June 1st Year 2nd Semester 7037 Computer Science_Prog in C++ Previous Question Paper
erloading. Write a program to illustrate the 88%
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4 ? 'oonstructors? Write about types of constructors.
. :a class? How classes provide data encapsulation? \
5 waters the various access speci?ers in C++7
.5 Explain about different C++ unformatted l/O operations. 2*
:7 "Describe about rethrowing an exception in C++. Ex,
8 Explain the overloading with function template. ?h.
PART - B (4 x 15 = so ma?Eks)
(Essay Answer T999) '
Note: Answeia?qie questions.
,Egogramming with proper examples.
.\ OR
(b) What is an array? Differen t??qne and two dimensional arrays. Write a 012+ . ?
program to sort the giver? go ? numbers in ascending order.
9 (a) Explain concepts of Object Orient
10 (3) Explain Operator ovemtadin? as a concept of polymorphism. Write a program to
overload operatol?nd; fooladding two coogplex numbers.
(b) Write in detail about friend functions and friend classes with proper programs.
11 (3) Write about inheritance and different types of inheritance in C++? Write a
? onstrate the multiple inheritance
agdem OR
I. re stream classes? Explain formatted ll 0 operations with example
What is an exception? What happens if exceptions are not handled ? Explain
exception handling in C++. ? 0R
?te a C++ program to demonstrate class .
12 (a)
This post was last modified on 07 February 2020