Download OU (Osmania University)B.Sc (Bachelor of Science Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2018 May-June 1st Year 2nd Semester 7040 Biochemistry Previous Question Paper
FACULTYExamInatinn, May I June 2MB
5.5:. il-Eamas?tar [EECS]
Su?jant: Bimhemistry
1: Acid: 3: Eluchemical Techniquas
F' ? - mi tr uf Nuclei
apar ILEI-ra 5 3r Hax-H?rks??
Tln'l? : a Huur?
PAHT-a A {5 x 4 = 2H Marks}
{5 hurt Answer Type} _ f "5- .. __
?ME : Answer any FwE nftha falluwmg CIIJEE-rxrl? _ . .'
2 33:33:; F'ijidlnes and their rune.
a, Sim t aractE?a nf nucleic acids. "r I I
4 cm H ?m 3?? fUncuuns af DNA. "1?- '?
4 P . cywas and their signi?mnca
nnmple and applicailuns nf calorimetqr 3*
Explain UV?Wsiblg 3
Pap?r chmmatngrap?y tra Q
Af?nity nhrnmatugraphy
PART ? E (d?i Ell] Harlan!
[E_ av Answer Type}
Hate: r all the questions.
g {a} ENE an 3mm? m maa?nl types. DI FINA and Ihllr binlugi?I [unctin r15.
. '5 1. DH
Plain fuma?uqq?u??diestarhund and Iha actinn uf acids. alkalis and
nucleasaa an it. a
1G {a} Describ _ w'rtrrd'iagrams the circular. aupermiled and nailed farms of DNA and
their nglgn '3? nae.
k) aim the Beer Lambert's law. It:- applications and limitatiuna.
11 {,1} Ex UR
{b} Give an accnunt nftha basis of sedlmen'ta?m Evedhargs units and its
applicatiun in Eentrifugatian technlquea.
nd applications 01? Gal flltra?un chromatugraphy. Give an
1.. DH
'??g?unt uf Danaturatlun and Raassmiatiun hlnetim of nume?c aclda
Ex lain prlnciple a .
12 La} acgnunt of the maternal used. an
a and applica?uns nf Enn-exuhanga mrnn'ratugraphy. What am
rin ni i .
w E: ?igm tines? Give axa
This post was last modified on 07 February 2020