Download OU B.Sc 2018 May-June 1st Year 2nd Semester 7041 Biotechnology Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University)B.Sc (Bachelor of Science Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2018 May-June 1st Year 2nd Semester 7041 Biotechnology Previous Question Paper

E' SE. 11-Semcster {CECE} Examination, May r June 291::
Subject : Biotechnology
Paper ? ll : Nucleic Acids and Bioinfnrlnmics
Time : 3 Hnurv. Mm. .nark?: I-j?
PART ? A {5 x 4 = 2D Mark's.)
[Short Answer Type]
Note : Answer any FIVE of lhe foltnwing questions.
I}==:.=.Lr|:;u;- T- mecca Mosaic Virus HMVJ
".""."':|r.'_- .n tuna" about lranaposable elememtsur
Datingulah Lelween iransilion and transversionr
DISCUSS mismatch repaw mechamamx
What are Ur-JIF?RDT and PW?? Write atom! THEi' uLlhzaHonx
Diatlngulsh IJ-Etwcen pBL?xET and r'IBLAST
Define: gap and gap penalty
Whal is gen-w.1e annntm?n? ertlz: about gen: Iclent|1=-_at.u:: 1:3015/
PART- B {4 x 15 = EC! Marks]
[Easay Answer Type}
Note: Answer all the questiuns.
9' 191 ancr?lbe In detail about Grif?th's eupenm??nt an transfnmationr
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gitb} Write In d?talI-abnut the organization of eukaryotic genes
1&3-{d?iEx?iain'm detail a'hmlt semI?mnseruahnn mod}: 01 DNA I'Epll??ll??r
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??E-WI-I?gmm?n?ii?plain in?etail .abaut.spn.ntaneuu5 and Induced munitions.
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This post was last modified on 07 February 2020