Download OU B.Sc 2018 May-June 2nd Year 1st Semester (Supplementary) 7063 BSc Biotechnology Chemistry Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University)B.Sc (Bachelor of Science Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2018 May-June 2nd Year 1st Semester (Supplementary) 7063 BSc Biotechnology Chemistry Previous Question Paper

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'.-__ . air) mmt-extrac?on me?-md used to separate 1e :11 -
?3? Gernpide -.tl1e following reactions: IR
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4 How can Ar-CHD tee prepared from i} arenas ii) benzal halides?
41 What are eeH-eide?? Give the classification of colloids with one example each.
,5" Draw the ph?iee diagrams of water system. silver lead system.
T Write aphid; 0:1 Etrucmrai features of fulierenes.
? Cele?ulet?e?? Mite the number and structure of the stereeisemers fer
CHg?-igilg??r] ? CH{Br} ? CDDH and HOOC ? CH{0H} ? CHIDH] - COOH
Part - B (4 X115 = 5:: Marks}
{Essay Answer Type}
Answer ALL questions from the felfewing : _
W i]__ Discuss the magnetic properties of ianlhanldes.
' in:- f H 1135-99131? the reactiene that take P33? 1" HF? ? "111'
: :5. . . . ?. . ' lgg?f?hv " '_?
.- . ' -_~-.-I .' l) Esmlam different W933 Elf C? axes-present ll'l 3613* CH! meleeu . . .
_ . egna'ms. . . .- '- - h-ea?em
_. LIEer'r-I?teen sedation states-df aGH?idEE 3"? ?m'd?'m ' ' l.

' '1" $3 i} Giv?f'tha aquatipnsfor Reimer? '
.2. - ', :_ Baumann reactions
. Q. EXFIEIH the phase dtaj??ly Mg*Zn ?system
~. - I' _ Biscuss the fact ff?y?ng criticai micellar concentration of sulfactants
.-?-"Wh'at are -athe jpiicatiuns of nanomateriais??
??k?iih ?ngoid- Prelog rules with two examples

This post was last modified on 07 February 2020