Download OU B.Sc 2017 Dec 1st Semester 7008 Computer Science Prog in C Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University)B.Sc (Bachelor of Science Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2017 Dec 1st Semester 7008 Computer Science Prog in C Previous Question Paper

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Code No. ???B
B.Sc. l-Semesler {CECE} Examination. Navemher r De?emhar 201?
Subject : CDrnpuler Science
Fla1:|?I'E.ra?l : Pro ramming in C
Q Ma: Mark 3: mi
PART ? A [5 I 4 = 2"] MP- ?3?3}
[Snort answer Trina! .
Nata : Answer any FIVE 0f the fallnwing quagtld'ns.
Explain the oparat'rans of CPU .r-h? 5 3"
Give the classi?cation of programming Languzlgea 1 ? i"
Wr?e about ?cuntinue' statement with examle. h, 1,!"
Define 5th. Write the bum in functions in 'Sln'ng. h? h?aa?r ?le.
Define painter. What +5 me use uf 3;. =1: in the pointenrcuncpet.
What is inline ?Jn??un? Explain with a pm-gmm,
Brie?y explain abnut untun, \3"
What #5 binary ?e in ?C'? Q
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This post was last modified on 07 February 2020