Download SGBAU B-Tech 2nd Sem FPOPC Poly Plast Applied Physical Chemistry I Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 2nd Sem FPOPC Poly Plast Applied Physical Chemistry I Previous Question Paper

B.Tech. Second semester ((FPOPC) Polymer (Plastic)) (068)
11708 : Applied Physical Chemistry - I
2 SCI? 1
TimezThreeHours .ooFa. Max.Marks:80
Notes : 1 Answer three question from Section A and three question from Section B.
2. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
4 Diagrams and chemical equations should be given wherever necessary. ?
5 Use of pen Blue/Black ink/re?ll only for wn'ting the answer book.
l. 3) De?ne activity coef?cient and describe the experimental method of determination of 6
activity and activity coef?cient.
b) Explain in brief, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. - 4
c) What is an ideal solution 7 Write the statement of Raoult's law. 3
2. 3) Discuss the application of Schrodinger equation for determination of energy of a particle 6
con?ned in one dimensional potential well.
Show that, it = E , where h is plank constant, A is wave length and p is momentum.
c) De?ne : 3
i) Rigid rotator ii) Zero point energy and
iii) Wave number
3. a) State the law of corresponding state and deduce the reduced form of Van-der-Waals 4
2:) De?ne the terms : 3
i) Mean ?'ee path ii) Co-volume of gas
iii) Compressibility factor
c) Derive an equation PV = gmnc?2
4. 3) Discuss the Maxwell Boltzmann's law of distribution of molecular speed and express the 6
formula for average velocity.
b) Write the assumptions of kinetic theory of gases. 4
AW - 2931 1 P.T.0

Calculate the pressure exerted by one mole of C02 in a 1.32 dm3 vessel at 48?C using
Van-der-Waal's equation. The Van-der-Waal?s constants are, a = 3.59 dm6 atm mol-2
and 15: 0.0427 dm3 mol' ? (R = 0.08206 dm3 atm k" moi?).
What is collision frequency ? Derive an expression for collision number.
De?ne :
i) Root mean square velocity
ii) Average velocity
iii) Most probable velocity
iv) C ollision diameters
Calculate r.m.s and average speed of oxygen molecule at 273 k.
(R = 8.314 kg m2 s"2 k" mor?)
Express the three critical constants m terms of Van?der-Waal?s constants using Van-der-
Waal's equation.
Discuss the heat conduction in gases.
The density of carbon monoxide at 0?C at 1 mm is 1.2504 kg m_z. Calculate the average
and most probable Speeds.
,, '? - ?' " ' SE?TION - B ?
(iiv: the difference between order and moleculan'ty.
Define zero order reaction with suitable examples.
Der ve an integrated rate equation 01? second order reaction for equal initial concentration
of reactants.
Discuss the effect of following factors on reaction rate :
i" Surface area 159?.er
ii) Temperature
Show that, if one of the reactant is present in large excess in reaction vessel, the second
order reaction follows ?rst order kinetic equation.
In a second order reaction, where the initial concentration of the reactants is the same, half
of the reactants are consumed in 60 minutes. If the speci?c reaction rate is
5.2 :< 10?3 mol?1 dm3 min?l . what is the initial concentration of the reactants.
Discuss the Ostwald isolation method.
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The half life period of decomposition of a compound is 50 minutes. If the initial
concentranon 1s halved, the half-life period is 25 minutes. What is order of reaction ?
What is energy of activation ? How does it calculate from Arrhenius equation ?3
Discuss the following methods of determination of order of reaction.
i) Van't - Hoff?s differential method.
ii) Fractional change method.
Write the limitations of Integration method.
The speci?c rate constants of second order reaction are 0.03466 mol'1 dm3 min'l and
0.13864 mol?1 dm3 min"1 at temperatures 300 k and 350 k respectively. Calculate
energy of activation (R = 8.3141) I
De?ne the following thermodynamic systems and processes.
i) Open system ii) Isolated system
iii) Adiabatic process iv) Isobaric process
Write any two statements of second law of thermodynamic.
De?ne Gibb's free energy and explain the spontaneity of chemical reaction.
State the ?rst law of thennodynamics and derive its mathematical equation.
What do you mean by state function ? Give any three examples of state functions.
Derive Gibb's Helmholtz equation.
AW - 2931 3

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020