Download SGBAU B-Tech 3rd Sem Applied Physical Chemistry II Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 3rd Sem Applied Physical Chemistry II Previous Question Paper

P. Pages : 2
Time : Three Hours
B.'Fech. Third Semester (Food, Pulp. & Paper, Oil & Paint, Petro Tech.) (CGS)
11002 : Applied Physical Chemistry - ll : 3 CT 02
AW - 3002
:n ['l' i
. Illulllllllllllw Max. Marks :80
Notes : 1. Due credit will be given to ncatness and adequate dimensions.
2. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
3. Diagrams and chemical equations should be given wherever necessary.
4. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
5. Discuss the reaction. mechanism wherever necessary.
6. Use of pen Blue/Black ink/rc?ll only for writing the answer book.
l a) How macromolecules are classified?
b) How molecular weight of polymer is determined by light scattering method?
c') Give the application of doped conducting polymer.
2 a) Derive the formula for weight average molecular weight of macromolecules.
b) Explain with example extrinsically conducting polymers.
c) De?ne i) Osmosis ii) lntrinsic viscosity
3. a) State the principle of potentiomctric titration. Explain the determination of neutralization
point of titration between strong acid and strong base.
b) What is the effect of dilution of an electrolytic solution on speci?c and equivalent
c) The emf-ofconcentration cell: Pb] PhSO4 lCuSO4(a:=o.ogo) CUSO4(a:0.0064) [pb504 le
is 0.01 18 V at 298 K. Calculate the transference number ol'the copper ions.
. OR
4 a) How pH ol'electrol?c is determined?
b) Derive Nemst equation.
c) Define i) Speci?c and Molar conductivity.
5 a) What is Gibbs free energy? Derive Gibbs Helmholtz equation.
b) De?ne i) Work function. ii) Chemical potential.
0) One mole of an ideal gas (C v = 12.55 JK?I mol"?) at 300 K is compressed adiabatically and
reversibly to one founh of its original volume. W hat will be ?nal temperature of the gas?
(R = 8.314 JK?1 mor?l
6. a) Discuss camot cycle and derive equation for ef?ciency of heat engine.
AW - 3002 l l?.'l?.0

10. a)
11. a)
12. at
AW - 3002
State the second law 0fthcm10dynamic:.
Show that 'I?V(""? : constant where r = E?.
What is quantum yield? How :5 it determined experimentally?
Distinguish between photo - chemical reaction from thermal reaction.
Give thi: applications oi'NMR spectroscopy.
Explain thermal Gravimetric .1113!) sis techniques for polymer.
Explain Beers law of photo chemistry.
Give the application of {R spectroscopy.
Derive an integrated rate equation of speci?c rate constant for second order reaction in
which reactants have unequal initial conccntmtion.
Explain the Ostwald's isolation method.
Halflifc disintegration ut? radium is 1 S70 wars. Calculate the rate constant in S?1 and also
calcul 1tc how m.tny )'?;1Ib u ill be talkm Fur Jix?integrzuion 0170M? ufradium.
Give the characteristim ot?7em order rcnciion.
De?n: Kp and Kx. and giVe their inter -7 relation.
Show that
i) I ?/2 = constant: for ?rst order reaction ii} t "?2 a : for second order reaction.
Explain with example what are honmgeneuus catalyst.
Explain acid base catalyst.
Derive an expression for Langmuir isotherm.
Ho? adsorption is classi?cd.
Explain with example what are [Iclcmgcneous catalyst.
Givc the important Characteristics ()fC?lulySt?
How surface are a of ?ne nowdcr is determined.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020