Download SGBAU B-Tech 3rd Sem Applied Physical Chemistry Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 3rd Sem Applied Physical Chemistry Previous Question Paper

P. Pages : 2
Time : Three Hours
B.Tech. Third Semester (Chem. / Poly / Food / Pulp / Oil / Petro) (Old)
Applied Physical Chemistry : 3 SCECT 2
' t AW - 3551
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Notes : 1. Answer Three question from Section A and Three question from Section B.
2. Due credit will be given to neamess and adequate dimensions.
3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
4. Diagrams and chemical equations should be given wherever necessary.
5. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
6. Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever necessary.
7. Use of pen Blue/Black ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
a) How pH of solution is determined.
b) Explain activity and activity coef?cient. How it is determined.
c) Write short notes on.
i) Speci?c conductance. ii) Molecular conductance.
3) Explain Debye?Huckel?s theory ofstrong eicctrol?cs.
b) How transport number is determined by moving boundary method.
0) Thu EMF of following concentration cell is 0.02V at 300K. Calculate the transport
number of Cu2+ and 80%? ions.
Pb|PbSO4|CuSO4 :Cuso4 leS()4!Pb
(a; = 0.02) (a2 = 0.006)
a) Explain various laws of photochemisuy.
b) Differentiate between Electronic rotational spectra and vibrational spectra.
0) What is quantum ef?ciency. How it is experimentally determined.
a) Explain photochemical kinetics with suitable example.
b) Give the applications of IR-Speclroscopy.
c) What are the reasons for 10w quantum yicld.
a) Explain osmalic pressure method for determination of molecular weight of
b) How macromolecules are classi?ed.
c) Give brief account of
i) Number Average moleculax weight. ii) Weight average molecular weight.
3) Explain light scattering method.
b) De?ne the following.
i) Turbidity. ii) High polymers.
c) State the principle of sedimentation method.
AW - 3551 l

7. :1") Explain Joulc-Thomson effect,
b) What is cnn?op) '? Gm: i15 physic 1} sigmLh-ancc,
(2) De?ne.
'1) Flame temperature. 1i ? Explosion temperature.
8. a) DcriVe Smkur?Tctrode equation.
b) State and explain third km of lhennodymmics?
c) De?ne.
i) Free Energy. ii] Entropy.
9. a) How order of reaction is determined by J-ithi Fractional change method.
b) Derive an integrated rate equation for second order reaction.
c) Fhe rate constant of a secvnd order reaction is 6.70x10_5 de mo!?1 5?1 at 25?C and
1.647(10'4 de mol-l 5"1 a1 35?C. ("alculguc energy ofaclivation.
(R = 8.314 1K? mar")
10. a) What is energy of activation? How it i> determine by using Arrhenius equation.
7 ' LX
b) Show that RP =KC(RI) ?.
c) From the Rullowing data for the dccmnpusniml uf M44 N03 in aqueous solution, show
that the reaction is ?rst order
1 Time (Min) A *0 l 15 20 _ ? 25 oo
|_volmpe emigc? (3.25 _? 9.0 1 11.40 13.65 35.05
1]. a) How surface area is determined b) BET methoJ.
b) What is integral heat of adbmption.
c) Explain.
i) .Xutocalalysis. ii) C utalytic activator.
1'2. a) Explain Langmuir's isotherm.
1)) Dif?rentiatc between hmnagcnous (:atui} cis and heterogeneous catalysis.
c) State some important characteristics ol'catalys?t.
AW - 355] 2

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020