Download SGBAU B-Tech 5th Sem Oil And Paint Tech II Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 5th Sem Oil And Paint Tech II Previous Question Paper

B.Tech. Fi?h Semester (Che.'l"ech.(Food, P & P, O & P and Pctro.) (CGS)
11030 : Spl.Tech. - II : Oil & Paint Tech.? II : 5 OT 04
P. Pages: 1 .mw?lmnl" AW - 3160
Time : Three Hours 1. o ?I 5L6 J Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1 Answer three question from Section A and three question from Section B.
2. Due credit will be given to neatncss and adequate dimensions.
3. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
4 Use of pen BIue/Black ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
1. Describe Low temperature crystallization of fatty acids. Give examples. 13
2. De?ne Solid Fat Index. What are dilatometric measurements. 13
3. Explain urea addition technique. How put: fatty acids or obtained by this technique. 13
OR '
4. Discuss the principles of N.M.R. in the analysis of oils & fats. l3
5. What are glyceridc theories. Explain in details. 14
6. State the principles of U.V. & LR. for the auialysis ofoils 8:. fats. Hm? LR. is important in 14
this technique.
7. Describe Thin layer chromatography and?its application for analysis ot'oil & fats. 13
8. What are Essential fatty acids. Slate their role in human diet. 13
9.? De?ne R.M. & P. values. How these values are estimated in the laboratory. 13
10. Describe various stages of bio?synthcsis of fatty acids. What are phospholipids? 13
11. What are metallic soaps. Give their manufacturing process & industrial applications. 14
12. Write about any two. 14
a) Lipase hydrolysis.
b) G.L.C. Technique.
c) Rancidity in oils.
AW - 3160 I

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020