Download SGBAU B-Tech 5th Sem Special Technology II Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 5th Sem Special Technology II Previous Question Paper

B.Tech. Third Year Fifth Semester (Che.Tech. (Food, P & P, O & P and Petro.) (CGS)
11034 : Special Technology - ll : Pulp & Paper Tech. : 5 PT 04
P. Pages: I l ?mu" Ir lllll?l AW - 3159
Time : Three Hours mo 1 Lil's? '. Max. Marks : 80
Notes : l. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
2. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
3. Diagrams and chemical equations should be given wherevqr necessary.
4. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
5. Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever necessary;
6. Use of pen Blue/Black ink/re?l! only for writing the answer buok.
1. Discuss the imponance of procurement ofraw material and inventory for commercial scale 14
pulp mill.
2. Describe the degradation of paper with respect to environmental protection. 14
3. How producer, dealer, company operation 8; imported receipts ensure the supply of raw l3
material to an integrated pulp & paper mill?
4. Describe the, working of any two dcbarkers with their advantages & disadvantages. 13
5. Why and How uniform chips are necessary 01? good quality of product? Explain design of 13
. 0R
6. Describe the rail & road transportation of ?ber to mill site. 13
7. With neat flow diagram explain ground wood pulping process. What are the uses of ground 14
wood pulp?
8. Draw sketches of various grinders used in the mechanical pulping process. 14
9. Explain the theory of chemi?mechanical pulping process. 13
10. Describe the 'sulfate' pulping process, with ?ow Chan. 13
l I. How acid sul?te liquor is produced? 13
12. Describe the terms used in paper industries for 'sul?te' process. 13
AW - 3159 1

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020