Download SGBAU B-Tech 6th Sem Chemical Engineering Process Equipment Design n Drawing Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 6th Sem Chemical Engineering Process Equipment Design n Drawing Previous Question Paper

B.Tech. Sixth Semester (Chemical Engineering) (CGS)
10166 : Process Equipment Design and Drawing :' 6 CH 04
AW - 3249 l P3110
yield stress of material is 5000 kg / cmz. Calculate the variation of tangential and radial
stress if it is operated at 4500 kg / cm2 . Also'?nd out maximum pressure at which yielding
of material starts.
Pipage? Ilummututnttt ??32?
Time : Three Hours . o 7 3 3? . . Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1 Answer three question from Section A and three question from Section B.
2 Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
3. Diagrams and chemical equations should be given wherever necessary.
4 Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
5 Use of pen Blue/Black ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
1 a) Discuss various simple stresses induced in machine components in detail. 7
b) Discuss the various materials used for linings in process vessels. 6
2 a) Discuss the various factors {equired to be considered in determining the 'factor of safety' 7
in process equipment design.
b) Explain the various types of cyclic stresses. '6
3 a) The load of bolt consist of an axial pull of 10 kN together with a transverse shear force of 7
5 kN. Find the diameter of bolt required according to
i) maximum principal stress theory.
ii) maximum shear stress theory.
permissible tensile stress at elastic limit is 100 N / mm2 and Poisson?s ratio is 0.3.
b) Explain the failure of thin cylindrical shell subjected to internal pressure. 6
4. a) Derive an expression to ?nd out optimum vessel size of pressure vessel. 7
b) What are different methods used for fabrication of vessel? Explain it. 6
5 21) Discuss the design of multilayer vessel with shrink ?tted shell applied for high pressure 7
operation. ?
b) Explain the causes of shaft failure in mixing and agitation system. 7
6. A thick walled vessel has an inside diameter of 30 cm and outside diameter of 60 cm the 14

7 a)
8. a)
9. a)
10. a)
H. a.)
l2. 3)
Discuss the design ot?sznddlc Mlppm?. in dctmls.
Discuss the usc of nn7zles n" process cquipmcms and different types of nozzles.
Explain in detail the classi?c ation Of?angcs with the help ufneat sketches.
How tn estimate the strcsscs LIUL? 10 Scimnic load. Discuss.
A centrifugal pump is drix?cn by motor through a singlc set 015 : 1 reduction gears power
ot?mmor is 12 11.1?. while rpm is NCO, l nnd can be considered to be applied with minor
shocks. Calculate the dutmcn" of shah nn Ihc motor and pump. when design stress 01'shaft
material is 49()kg/cr112.
Explain the various paranrclurs 10 be comidcrcd while designing a good agitation system.
What is stress concentration. Discuss mclhods ofils rcduclion.
Discuss the various material 5 of consm?clion for process equipments.
Water ?ows through a pipeline :0 mm in internal diumclcr. Distance of pipeline is 3 km.
'l he impressed head of wulcr i: 15 m ul '~.\;)ICI?. Estimate \olumelric and mass flow rate of
. . . 7 ; ?7
Viscosuty of water 15 1 <1!) \ ? ~ m"
density ofwater lkg r? lit .
Explain the condensate piping with 1hc hclp of velocity equation.
What are the criteria for material of selection for pipc line system. Discuss in detail.
What axe the various type: 01? suppor?: l?ur piping system in process industry. Explain with
neat sketches.
AW - 3249 2

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020