Download SGBAU B-Tech 7th Sem FPOPC Petro Chemical Reaction Engineering I Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 7th Sem FPOPC Petro Chemical Reaction Engineering I Previous Question Paper

P. Pages :
B.Tech. Seventh Semester (Food. Pulp & Paper. Oil & Paint & Petro. Tech.) (CGS)
11057 : Chemical Reaction Engineering - I : 7 CT 02
2 , AW - 3389
' H? l
Mllglljlllslllll Max. Marks : 80
Time : Three Hours
Notes :
2. a)
3. a)
4. a)
5. a)
AW - 3389 1 P.T.O
All question carry marks as indicated.
Answer three question from Section A and three question from Section B.
Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
Diagrams and chemical equations should be given wherever necessaiy.
Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever necessary.
Use ofan Blue/Black ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
What is rate of reaction? What are the factors affecting the rate ofreaction?
A human beings consumes about 6000kJ of food per day. Assume that the food is all glucose
and that the overall reaction is Co H12 ()6 + 602 -?> 6COZ +6H20?OHR = 2816191 Find
man?s metabolic rate in terms of moles of oxygen used per m3 of person per second.
Assume that density of man is 1000 kg/m3 .
What is rate constant?
What are homogeneous reactions and non homogeneous reactions? Explain with suitable
On doubling the concentration of I reactant, the rate of reaction triples. Find the reaction
order. ?
Thc pyrolysis ofethane proceeds with an activation energy of about 75000 Cal. Ilow much
faster is the decomposition at 650?C than at 50()?(?.
Differentiate between single reaction and multiple reaction.
Phosphinc decomposes when heated according to following reaction.
4PH3 (g) ?> P4 (g)+6I-I2 (g)
At the given instant, the rate of which phosphine decomposes is 2 -4><10-3 mol/(l-s).
i) Express the rate in three different ways using differential notation and show the
relationship between them.
ii) What is the rate of formation of P4 and H2 ?
Explain the order ofreaction and rate constant.
Derive the integrated rate equation for unimolecular type Irreversible ?rst order reaction.
Derive the integrated rate equation for the autocatalytic reaction A+R?>R+R for
constant volume batch reactor data.

AW - 3389
Determine the reaction order 0fthe gi\ e11 reaction: A ?+ B + 2C
This reaction was carried (tut in the lnlmratnry in an isothermal batch syslcm in which the
total pressure was rccnrdcd at various. time during the reaction. Assume the reactant was
iggllx present in thevr?quion vessvei. 7 7 ??
j?e (min) _.-,- A, 00 " 5 5.0 10.0 E 15.0 20.0
?l'otulPressuretmmi'lgi_ 7.5 1115 12.5 l_5.8 17.9 19.4
Derive the performance equation for ideal batch reactor for variable volume and constant
volume reaction system. Also represent it graphically.
Assuming a stoichiometry A ?+ R fur :1 ?rst order gas reaction. The size of plug ?ow
reactor needed for a given duty 1 xA = (U). pure feed) is 32 lit. If the reaction stoichiometry
is A ?> 3R with this corrected stmchimnctry what is the required volume. '
De?ne space time and space VCIOCiQ' with suitable example.
DeriVe the performance equation tar (?ST R for variable volume and constant volume.
System. Also represent il? Graphically.
A liquid reactant stream (1 molr'l) pabbcs through two mixed ?ow reactors in series. The
concmtration of A in the exit of the first reacror is 0.5 mol/L. F ind the concentration of A
in the exit stream of a second reactor. 'l he reaction follows second order kinetic with respect
to A and 4:2.
Explain the size conipuriwn ot?sin?g] : \Ii?R xx .th PPR.
An aqueous reactant stream (4 mo} A/?Ht ) passes through a mixed ?ow reactor followed by
a plug ?ow reactor. Find ihL' concenti'aritm (it the exit nfthc plug ?ow reactor ii?in the mixed
?ow reactor CA = l mol/lit . ?l?hc rcuc?tztin is second order with respect to A and the volm
of the plug ?ow unit is three times li'?i otthc mixed ?ow unit.
Exple in the rate concentration cum 0. 1m nutucutaiytic reaction.
At present conversion is (16.670/0 f0! elementary second order liquid phase reaction
2A ?> 2R when operating in an isothermal plug ?ow reactor with a rccyclc ratio of unity.
What will be the convcrxim. Et?the recycle stream is shut off??
Liquid reactant A decomposes as 111mm
?) . '2 .
A?-> R rR =K1C3. Ix. :04 nr/(mol~111m)
*1 _ 2 z __ 1 ,I ' "I
A as rS _ K2 CA.1\3 ?_\1111n)
A feed of aqueous A CA? = 40 moi" 111" ) cmc?rs a reactor decomposes and a mixture of
A, R and S leaves. Find (,?R. Cs and Z I?nr XA = 0.9 in a MFR
What is optimum temperature progression? Explain in detail.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020