Download SGBAU B-Tech 7th Sem FPOPC Petro Industrial Waste Treatment Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 7th Sem FPOPC Petro Industrial Waste Treatment Previous Question Paper

B.Tech. chcnth Semester (Food, Pulp & Paper, Oil & Paint & Petro. Tech.) (CGS)
11061 : Elective - 1 : Industrial Waste Treatment
AW - 3395 l P.T.O
7 CT 04
P. Pages : 2 ; H I ?W! A?V _ 3395
. " | ,
Tlmc ; Thrcc Hours ?. 0?2 6' ?5 ?. Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. Answer three question from Section A and three question from Section B.
2. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
4. Diagrams and chemicals equations should be given wherever necessary.
5. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
(3. Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever necessary.
7. Use ot?pcn Bluc/Black ink/re?ll only for miting the answer book.
1. a) What are the characteristic of lakes? Discuss the common environmental problem in lakes. 7
b) What are agencies working in India for prevention and control of pollution? Discuss in 7
0R '
2. d) Discuss role ol?cMoro?uorocarhon in depletion ofozonc layer. 7
b) Discuss by product and salvagcablc waste in details. 7
3. 4!) Describe air prevention and control of pollution act 1981. 7
b) Describe the ?MINAS? and plan ofaction for sugar industries. 6
4. :1) Draw neat sketches of different types of micro-organisms present in water. 5
b) How will you determine dissolved oxygen? 8
5. What is osmosis and reverse osmosis? How we can remove pollutants from waste u enter by 13
using reverse osmosis.
6. a) What is neutralization? Discuss chemical coagulation in details. 7
b) What is difference between aerobic and anaerobic lagoons? Discuss anaerobic Lagoons in 6

AW - 3395
Explain hazardous waste u'hh suitable examples. Give there types.
\Nhat are the reusable ?Lute ? Discuss them in details.
How we can recycle waste in chemical industry? Give suitable example.
Describe dissolved air ?oataLion system for sludge treatment.
Explain the terms.
1?) Floating bed scrubber. ii) Venturi bed scrubber.
Describe fabric ?lters with ncul sketch.
Discuss catalytic reductxon of NOx using methane.
Explain following chms.
i) Critical ?eld. ii) Paniclc changing.
Draw the manufacture process of ccmcnl industry. What are the sources of waste from
cement industry? Describe the treatment given to gaseous and liquid waste.
Give sources. characteristic ofwasxc from sugar indusm'. W ith a neat ?ow diagram explain
the pollution control measures: in sugar industry.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020