Download SGBAU B-Pharma 2019 Summer 2nd Sem Sem II Human Anatomy n Physiology II New Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B.Pharma 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2nd Sem Sem II Human Anatomy n Physiology II New Previous Question Paper

B. Pharm. Second Semester (New)
35339 : Human Anatomy and Physiology - II : BP 201 T
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Tlme : Three Hours .? o 5 8 9 . Max. Marks : 75
Notes 1 Answer all questions.
2. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
3 Use of pen BIuc/Black ink/rc?ll only for vniling the answer book.
1. a) MCQ 10
1) Opening oftrachca is covered by a small flap oftissue temled as
a) Gloltis b) Epiglottis
c) 'l'hyroid (janilage d) All of above
2) The exchange of gases between inhaled air and blood is
21?) Cellular respiration b) External respiration
c) Intcmal respiration d) None of the above
3) ------ stores bile juice and concentrate it.
a) Pancreas b) gall bladder
c) Villi d) Stomach
4) Last Portion ol?largc intestine is
a) Ocsophagous b) Rectum
c) (.?ccum d) Ilium
5) ------ facilities reabsorption of water by nephron.
a) Loop at ch11c b) Medulla
c) Cortex d) Pelvis
6') ------ Ilormonc is secreted by kidney.
:1) Aldosteronc b) ADH
c) Erctluopoiutin d) Angiotensin
7) Nervous system, does not consist of
a) Brain b) Spinal Cord
c) Splccn d) Nerves
8) Spinal Cord originates from
a) Ccrcbcllum b) Medulla
c) Pons d) Cerebrum
9) F crtilizalion of sperm and ova takes place at
a) Ovaries b) Vagina
c) Uterus d) FaIIOpian tube
10) Sloppagc ofmcnstrual cycle is called as
a) Gestation b) Implantation
c) Mcnarche d) Menupause
AW - 2338 1 P.T.O

b) Objective type of questions. 5?2
a) What is CSF? Write it's Function.
b) Enlist the various salivary gland Write the function of Saliva.
c) De?ne and glvc normal vah cs fur ?vil?dl capacit) and tidal volume.
(1) Which gland is cailed as master gland mite th? names of Harmones secreted by
master gland.
6) Write the phases of menstruation with their time period.
Long Answers Solve any I? 0. 2x10
|?) Describe the structure of Cerehrum zmd Explain the P unctional Areas of Ccrebrum.
2') Explain the Anatomy of Nephrow?? Discuss the process ofUrine F ormation.
3) Explain the Anatomy of wings with xxcll labeled diagram? Write the nervous control
of Respiration.
Short Answer Questions Sol?: any seven. 7x5
1) Write the chemical digestion ofprotein and carbohydrates.
2') Explain the strucmre at pituitary gland.
3) Explain the structure and function 01? Endocrine Pancreas.
4) hxplain the process of Spennalogmcsis.
5) Explain the phases of secrcation ot? gatric juice.
6) What is metabolism? Write a note on BMR.
7) Explain the structure and function nf Icstcs.
8) Describe the structure of gene.
9') Describe the structure of liver.
AW ? 2338 2

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020