Download SGBAU B-Pharma 2019 Summer 4th Sem Sem IV Pharmacology I New Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B.Pharma 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 4th Sem Sem IV Pharmacology I New Previous Question Paper

B.Pharm. Fourth Semester (New)
Pharmacology - I : BP'404 T
P. Pages: 2 mum? m n AW - 2351
Time : Three Hours . o 6 o 2 . Max. Marks 2 75
Notes : 1. Answer all question.
2. Illustrate your answer necessary m?th the help of neat sketches.
3. Use of pen Blue/Black ink/rc?ll only for wn'ting the answer book.
1. a) Multiple choice questions. 10
i) Receptor for Cholinergic system are
a) a -rcccptors b) [3 -receptor
0) a & B -reccptors d) Muscarinic
ii) Following which are membrane transport mechanism-
8) Absorption b) Distribution
c) Metabolism (1) Active transport
iii) Which drug act as enzyme inverse.
a) Penicillin b) Benzodiazepines
c) Streptomycin d) Sulphonamides
iv) Example of Antipsychotic drugs.
a) Chlorpromazine b) Pimozide
c) Fluphenazine d) all the above
. v) Selective [32 -agonist is ?
a) Propranolol b) Timolol
c) Tcrbutaline d) Aspirin
vi) Serotonin is synthesized from ?
a) L- Tryptopham b) L- Histidine
c) Prostaglandins d) Interlukins
vii) D ? Tubocurarine is an example of
a) Local anesthetics b) Sedatives
c) Skeletal muscle relaxants d) General anesthetics
viii) Neurotransmitter GABA is
a) Excitatory b) Inhibitory
c) Neutral (1) None of these
ix) Alzheimer's is ------ disease.
a) Infective b) Neurodegenerative
c) Respiratory d) Urinary
x) Drug produces P'cological e??ects through
a) Receptor b) Enzyme
c) Hormones d) All of these
AW - 2351 1 P.T.O

Objective type questions. 10
i) Enlist various phase ?- I ? mclahmic reaction.
ii) Enlist various mechanism by '?\ hich drug act?
iii) Enlist factors modifying drug action.
iv) De?ne drug Interaction. Mention its types.
v) Classify sedatives 8.: Hyphotics.
Long answer any two. 20
a) Classify Adrenergic drugs. Discuss the phammcology of Adrenaline .n detail.
b) Explain various routes ofdrug Administration.
0) Classify Anti-epileptic Drugs. Discuss pharmacology of Phcnytoin.
Short answer any seven. 7+5
? =35
3) Write in short about Phase-II bio-Irdnsfm-mation reaction.
b) Classify Anti Parkinson's drugs. Write Mcchanism ofaction ol?Carbidupa.
c) Write various phases of clinica| trials.
d) De?ne Drug Interaction & cxplain Drugnwd & Drugrdrug interaction E examples.
e) De?ne Adverse drug reaction 6?. explain it in shunt.
D Classify CNS stimulant. Write Plxanmcology of Amphetamine.
g) Write Phannacological actions of Alcnhul.
h) Classify Anti-epilcptic drug. Write MoA 01? V alproic acid.
i) Write MoA, uses of Adverse effect of proprunolol.
AW - 2351 2

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020