Download SGBAU B-Pharma 2019 Summer 5th Sem Sem V Pharmacology II Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B.Pharma 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 5th Sem Sem V Pharmacology II Previous Question Paper

P. Pages :
H.Pharm. Fifth Semester
35165 : Pharmacology - II : T-5.5
AW - 2311
, _ 1. ?
'l?imc : Three Hours ?MMIEIMM Max. Marks : 60
Notes: I. .?xllquestion carry cqualmarks.
2. Answer any ?ve question.
3. Use of pen BluefBlack ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
What is sulfonamides'? Explain the mechanism of action, Adverse reaction and therapeutic
uses of co-trimoxazolc.
Classify the antidiabetic agents? Explain the phammcology oforal hypoglycemic agents.
Classify Anti-Tuberculosis agent with examples. Explain the pharmacology of INH &
Give Mechanism of action ADR & uses of Azithromycin.
Classi l'y aminoglycosides with examples. Explain in detail about streptomycin.
Descri be the life cycle of malarial parasite?? Classify antimalarial agent. Explain the
pharmacology of pamaquine and chloroquine.
Write life cycle of viruses and treatment AIDS.
De?ne Neoplasm. Write cell cycle and MO.-\ of plant Alkaloids and folic acid antagonist.
Write notes any two.
a) Antitussives.
b} Orelcontraceptix-e.
C) Drug therapy for migraine.
AW - 2311 l

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020