Download SGBAU B-Pharma 2019 Summer 7th Sem Sem VII Pharmacognosy III Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B.Pharma 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 7th Sem Sem VII Pharmacognosy III Previous Question Paper

B.Pharm. Seventh Semester
35176 : Pharmacology - lll : T-7.3
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Time : ?lhree Hours .' o '5 7 1 . Max. Marks : 60
chs : I. All question carry equal marks.
2. Answer ?ve question.
3. Use of pen Blue/Black ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
1. Classify Ami-hypcrtensive drugs. Discuss phannacology of B - blocker's in detail. 12
2. Discuss the pharmacology of Immunosuppressants in detail F clinical applications. 12
3. Classify diuretics. Discuss the pharmacology of frusemide & spironolactone. 12
4- De?ne peptic ulcers. Classify Anti-ulccr's drug. Write pharmacology of H2 ? Antagonist. 12
5. What is psychosis classify antiipsychotics. Discuss pharmacology of chlorpromazinc. 12
6. Write phamlacology of Alcohol in detail. 12
7. Write notes on any two. 12
a) CNS stimulants.
b) Emetic & Anti-emetics agents.
c) Hacmopoictics.
AW - 2321 I

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020