Download SGBAU BCA 2019 Summer 4th Sem System Analysis Design n MIS Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BCA 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Computer Applications) 4th Sem System Analysis Design n MIS Previous Question Paper

A?"?1 805
B.(?.A. (Part II) Semester mIV Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 60
Note :?(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2?) Assume suitable data whcrcvcr ncccssaw.
(3 ) Illusiratc your answer with the help of neat sketches wherever necessary.
1. (3) Explain the role 01' analyst and designer in system development. 6
(b) What arc Ihc different types 01? communication ? 0
2. (a) What arc the various traditional stages 01' system development project '3 Explain. 6
(b) What is quality ? Explain the concept ofquality control.
3. (:1) Draw Ihc contcm-lcvel and levcl-l DFD for payroll system. 6
(b) What is feasibility study ? Explain its various types. 6
4. (3) Write and explain di?'erent data collection methods.
(b) Explain any two methods of fact ?nding.
5. (a) Writc and explain various system damages and protection. 6
(b) What is database 1? Explain different types ofdatabnsc models. 6
6. (u) Explain L?P and 0/1? dcsigns. 6
(b) Explain Physical Data Design.
7. (:1) Write and explain MlS framework and its importance.
(b) Explain the following in brief:
(i) TPS ('l'ransaction Processing System)
(ii) DSS (Decision Support System)
(iii) OAS (Of?ce Automation System) 6
8. (:1) Explain classi?cation of M18. 6
(5) Explain the following in brief:
(i) RES
(ii) F.SS
(iii) UnlilyManagement.
9. (:1) Explain the conccpl ofProjecL Planning.
(b) Wrilc IhL? case study of Network of Technology Institute. 6
10. (a) What is Resource Allocation '? Explain.
(b) What are the different planning policies of Information System '.?
YBC 45369 1'?

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