Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BCA 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Computer Applications) 5th Sem Software Engineering Previous Question Paper
B.C.A. Part?III (Semestcr?V) Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks :
Note :?(1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
l. (a) What is Software Engineering ? Explain importance of Software Engineering Layers in
detail. 6
(b) Explain the software requirement analysis using DFD in detail. 6
2. (a) Explain the Spiral Model for Software Engineering in detail. 6'
(b) De?ne the Requirement Engineering. Explain Requirement Engineering Process in
detail. 6
3. (a) What are the steps in Project Management Process ? Explain in detail. 6
(b) Write short notes on :?
(i) Software Project Flaming (ii) Risk Management. 6
4. (:1) Explain the term Problem Analysis in detail. 6
(b) Explain six issues in Software Cost Estimation. 6
5. (a) What is the need of Problem Panioning ? Explain with suitable example. 6
(b) Write short notes on :?
(i) Decision table (ii) Decision tree. 6
6. (a) What is Software Architecture ? Explain in detail with its importance. 6
(b) Write short notes on 2?-
(i) Modularity (ii) Abstraction. 6
7. (a) Differentiate between structured programming and object oriented programming. 6
(b) Why system documentation is necessary ? Explain in detail. 6
8. (3) Write short note on :?
(i) Classes and Object (ii) Attributes
(iii) Inheritance (iv) Polymorphism. 6
(b) What is Software Reuse ? Explain the concept of Software Reuse in detail. 6
9. (a) Explain Software Quality Management in detail. 6
(b) Explain Software Quality Parameters in detail. 6
l0. (a) Write short notes on :?
0) Quality Control [QC] (ii) Quality Assurance [QA]. 6
(b) What are the elements of ISO 9001-2000 standards ?? Explain in detail. 6
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