Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BCA 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Computer Applications) 2nd Sem Advanced C Previous Question Paper
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B.C.A. (Part?I) Scmestcr?[I Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 60
Note :?(1) All questions are compulsory.
1- (a)
2 (a)
3 (a)
4 (a)
5 (a)
6 (a)
7 (a)
(2) Use suitable diagram wherever necessary.
Explain with example how string can be handled using char array. 6
Write the purpose, syntax and example of following functions :
(i) strrev( )
(ii) strset( )
(iii) strccpy( ) 6
Explain how string can be manipulated using arrays of pointers with suitable example. 6
Write the purpose, syntax and example of following functions :
G) strcmpo ?
(ii) strcat( )
(iii) strupr( ) 6
Explain the concept of local and global variable with suitable example.
Using function recursion, write a program in C to evaluate factorial of 11.
Explain function prototype. function de?nition and function calling by using an example of
function that adds three numbers. 6
Explain vn'th syntax and suitable example :
(1) call by value
(ii) call by pointer.
What do you mean by Union ? Explain with the help of suitable example.
What is Pointer to Structure ? Explain with suitable example.
Compare imion with structure using suitable example. 6
Explain how structures are de?ned using suitable example. How are structure members
accessed ? 6
Explain fread and fwrite function with suitable example. 6
Explain the following functions with example :
(i) fgetC( )
(ii) fputc< )
(iii) fgets< ) 6
YBC?-15358 l (Conld.)
10. (a)
Explain how to open and close ?le in (L with suitable example. 6
Write a program to enter following data in a ?le :
Computer SCiCHCc
Dennis Ritchie
59.76 6
Explain how memory can bv allocated using malloc (' ) in C with suitable example. 6
Explain the following functxcns with suitablc example :
(1) feof
(ii) fcrror. 6
Explain line function in C. Write a graphics program to draw a triangle on screen using line
function three timcs. 6
Write a program that uses the functions ?ell and fscck. 6
YBC?l 5.358 2 m
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020