Download SGBAU BCA 2019 Summer 2nd Sem Communication Skills Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BCA 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Computer Applications) 2nd Sem Communication Skills Previous Question Paper

AW?l 798
B.C.A. (Part?I) Scmcstcr?II Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 50
Notc :? All questions are compulsory.
Read the following passage carefully and write your rc3ponse or comment in about
100 words :
I have been a teacher for nearly all my adult life, for over forty years ? I have lived
with the students and it huxts me very deeply when I find that the precious years during which
a student has to live in the University are wasted by some of them. I do not say by all of
them. Teachers and students form a family and in a family you cannot have the spirit of the
trade union. Such a thing should be inconceivable in a University. University life is a co?
operative enterprise between teachers and students and I do hope that the students will not
do a disservice to themselves by resorting to activities which are anti-social in character.
Character is destiny. Character is that on which the destiny of a nation is built. One
cannot have a great nation with men of small character. We must have young men and
women who look upon others as the living images 0fthemselvcs as our sastras have so often
declared. But whether in public life or student life, we cannot reach great heights if we are
lacking, in character. 3
Attempt a precis of the above passage. 5
U 96 the other form of the following verbs in sentences of your own :
(i) To sing
(ii) To take
(iii) To speak. 3
Change the voice :
(i) Suresh changed the ?at tyre.
(ii) I know the answer.
Use the following phrases in sentences of your own :
(1) decide 10
(ii) in terms of
(iii) in order to
(iv) take for granted
(v) in spite of.
YBC ?l 5362 I (Could)

3. (a)
YBC ??15362
Attempt a paraphrase 01 ml: .?Ullomng poem :
\VlmSc woods these are I 1h;nk I know
His house is in the village tlwugh;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods ?ll up \l llll snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To step without a l?armhouxc ncar
Between the woods and ?vzcn lake
The darkest evcning of thc war.
He gives his harness bells z: lmke
To ask iflhcre is some mistake.
The only other sounds the srvccp
Of easy wind and downy llgtl-Lc.
The woods are lovely dark and dccp,
But I have promises to kccp.
And miles to go before I slct-p.
And milcs 1.0 go l?cforc I sleep 5
Write in about 100 word? )5: ur views on any ONE 01' the following :
(1) Slow and steady wins tle x'acc
(ii) Actions speak louder m: n words. q
Write a lcucr 10 ymlr l?ricmi a ntgralulating hcr/him for the success in MPSC examination.
Write an application to tho l?r ncipal, asking for permission of lcavc for education trip. 5
Write a report on N58 Dex) cr-lebmtion in your college. 5
Give thc one word substitute lor the following :
(i) Going on someone?s land without permission.
(ii) Lasting only for :1 Var) slum while. 2
Writc a short note on any ()N E of the following :
(1) Imponancc 0f Communicmon Skills
(ii) Body Language. 3
Write a ocrsonal l?CSpUnSC on my one ofthc following in about 100 words :
(i) Walcr pollution
(ii) llsc ofcompuLcr. 5

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020