Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem CA CS IT Advanced CPP n Web Designing Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem CA CS IT Advanced CPP n Web Designing Previous Question Paper

AW?l 722
B.Sc. (Part??-ll) Semester?IV Examination
(Advanced C++ and Web Designing)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
NB. :? (1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) Question No. 1 carries 8 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :
(i) provides the concept of reusability.
(ii) An array name followed by two subscripts is called
(iii) DTD stands for
(iv) Namespacc is declared with pre?x is called as ____ namespace. 2
(B) Choose correct alternative :
(i) A pointer a variable that holds __ of another variablc.
(a) Value (b) Memory address
(c) Data type (d) None of these
(ii) Template provides :
(a) Reusability of code (b) Eliminates redundant coding
(c) Support generic programming (d) All are correct
(iii) If element does not contain any content then such element is called a/an _____
(a) Root element (b) Empty element
(0) Nested element (d) Sibling clement
(iv) de?nes a class of xml documents.
(a) XML Schema (b) Namespace
(c) DTD ((1) CSS 2
(C) Answer in one sentence each :
(i) What is derived class ?
(ii) What is pointer ?
(iii) What is element 1?
(iv) What is CSS ?
'2. (A) What is array ? Explain declaration and initialization of 0m: dimcnsional array. 6
(B) What is operator overloading ?9 Explain with suitable example. 6
(A) Explain pointer to object with suitable example.
(B) Write a program in C++ to overload assignment (:) operator.
YBCr?15293 l (Contd.)

(B) What is function template ? Explain With suitabie cxztmpie- 6
. 6
5' (A) What is class template '7 Explain With example.
(B) Explain hybrid inhcritance with suitable example. 6
6. (A) Explain pointers to derived class with example. 6
(B) Explain opening, and closing of ?le with syntax and example. 6
7. (A) Explain hierarchy of ?le stream classes. 6
(B) What is virtual function '? Explain with suitable example. 6
8. (A) Explain the bash: structure of XML document. 6
(B) Explain the term XML element with example. State the naming rules for XML element.
9. (A) Explain documen. prolog and document instance. 6
(B) State and explain the features of XML. 6
10. (A) What is meant by DTD ? Describe the internal DTD With example. 6
(B) What is entity ? Explain with suitable example. 6
11. (A) Explain element content model with suitable example. 6
(B) What is the need of Dr D ?? Describe the external DTD with suitable example. 6
12. (A) Explain various features of XML Schema. 6
(B) Explain default and pre?x declaration of namespace. 6
13. (A) Compare XML Schrma with DTD by giving suitable example. 6
(B) What are the variou; XML Schema data types ? 6
YBC?15293 2
(A) Explain multipl: inheritance with suitahic example.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020