Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem CA CS IT RDBMS PL SQL Previous Question Paper
B.Sc. (Part?II) Semestcr?IV Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
NB. :? (1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) Question No. l carries 8 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Assume suitable data and draw well labelled diagram wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :
(i) BCNF stands for
(ii) clause is used to sort the contents of table.
(iii) function measures all the rows in entire table.
(iv) section is the execution section of PL/SQL. 2
(B) Choose correct alternative :
(i) Non key attribute of one table becomes primary key of another table is called
(a) Primary key (b) Foreign key
(c) Super key (d) Candidate key
(ii) __ is not SQI. component.
(a) DCL (b) DML
(c) DDl. (d) DSL
(iii) In outer join operator combines matching and non matching rows of two
(a) + (b) 0/o
(C) * (d) ?
(iv) Hierarchical model has connectivity.
(a) One to one (b) One to many
(c) Many to many (d) Many to one 2
(C) Answer in one sentence :
(i) What is primary key ?
(ii) What is DBMS ?
(iii) What is block in PL/SQL ?
(iv) What is privilege ? 4
2. (A) Describe hierarchical database model with example. 6
(B) Why database systems are morc popular over conventional ?le system ?. 6
? OR
3. (A) Describe architecture of database system and explain with diagram. 6
(B) What is relation T? Describe relational database model. 6
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4. (A) What is E-R diagram '5 Dcscrzhc pmccdure m ruiLicc L?-R diagram into table.
(B) Dcscribc the following terms
(i) Funclimialdependcncy
(ii) Entity and entity set.
5. (A) Describe the following terms :
(i) Attribute
(ii) Domain
(iii) Relation.
(B) What is normalization ? Explain 35.1? with CX?mpiC.
6. (A) What is SQL 7 Explain components 01? SQL.
(B) Describe \arious data Iypcs used in HQL with 5Liiahl: example.
7. (A) Describe the fo'lowing Cirmmands with syntax and exampk :
(i) CREA?I?E
(iii) UPDATE.
(B) What is data imegrity ? (iive types of integrity constiainls.
8. (Ar) Describe the following functions with example :
(ii) SIGN
(iii) SIN.
(B) What is join ? Iixplain cqui join with example.
9. (A) Describe \Vith syntax and example :
(ii) INSTR
(iii) RTRIM.
(B) Describe various date functions with syntax and L-xamole.
10. (A) What is cursor ': How to use explicit cursor 1? Describe with example.
(Bl) Dcscribc loop Ct ntro] Structurc in Plg?SQL viii]: example.
11. (A) Describe datatyp: support by PL/SQL with cxample.
(B?) What arc various cursor attribuics '.?
12. (A) Explain the following statcmcnls with syntax and exzimpic :
(ii) REVOKE.
(B) How to secure d itabases 7 Explain.
13. (A) What is transactim '? Describe various transaction mnirol SldlcanIS.
(B) Describe various levels of data locking in SQL.
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This post was last modified on 10 February 2020