Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem CA CS IT RDBMS PL SQL Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem CA CS IT RDBMS PL SQL Previous Question Paper

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B.Sc. (Part?II) Semestcr?IV Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
NB. :? (1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) Question No. l carries 8 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Assume suitable data and draw well labelled diagram wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :
(i) BCNF stands for
(ii) clause is used to sort the contents of table.
(iii) function measures all the rows in entire table.
(iv) section is the execution section of PL/SQL. 2
(B) Choose correct alternative :
(i) Non key attribute of one table becomes primary key of another table is called
(a) Primary key (b) Foreign key
(c) Super key (d) Candidate key
(ii) __ is not SQI. component.
(a) DCL (b) DML
(c) DDl. (d) DSL
(iii) In outer join operator combines matching and non matching rows of two
(a) + (b) 0/o
(C) * (d) ?
(iv) Hierarchical model has connectivity.
(a) One to one (b) One to many
(c) Many to many (d) Many to one 2
(C) Answer in one sentence :
(i) What is primary key ?
(ii) What is DBMS ?
(iii) What is block in PL/SQL ?
(iv) What is privilege ? 4
2. (A) Describe hierarchical database model with example. 6
(B) Why database systems are morc popular over conventional ?le system ?. 6
? OR
3. (A) Describe architecture of database system and explain with diagram. 6
(B) What is relation T? Describe relational database model. 6
YBC , 15294 I (Contd.)

4. (A) What is E-R diagram '5 Dcscrzhc pmccdure m ruiLicc L?-R diagram into table.
(B) Dcscribc the following terms
(i) Funclimialdependcncy
(ii) Entity and entity set.
5. (A) Describe the following terms :
(i) Attribute
(ii) Domain
(iii) Relation.
(B) What is normalization ? Explain 35.1? with CX?mpiC.
6. (A) What is SQL 7 Explain components 01? SQL.
(B) Describe \arious data Iypcs used in HQL with 5Liiahl: example.
7. (A) Describe the fo'lowing Cirmmands with syntax and exampk :
(i) CREA?I?E
(iii) UPDATE.
(B) What is data imegrity ? (iive types of integrity constiainls.
8. (Ar) Describe the following functions with example :
(ii) SIGN
(iii) SIN.
(B) What is join ? Iixplain cqui join with example.
9. (A) Describe \Vith syntax and example :
(ii) INSTR
(iii) RTRIM.
(B) Describe various date functions with syntax and L-xamole.
10. (A) What is cursor ': How to use explicit cursor 1? Describe with example.
(Bl) Dcscribc loop Ct ntro] Structurc in Plg?SQL viii]: example.
11. (A) Describe datatyp: support by PL/SQL with cxample.
(B?) What arc various cursor attribuics '.?
12. (A) Explain the following statcmcnls with syntax and exzimpic :
(ii) REVOKE.
(B) How to secure d itabases 7 Explain.
13. (A) What is transactim '? Describe various transaction mnirol SldlcanIS.
(B) Describe various levels of data locking in SQL.
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